Everything about Rose’s drug arrest appears to be sketchy.
Everything about Rose’s drug arrest appears to be sketchy.
glad you said it so I didn’t have to
Justice for Karen!
You again!
How on earth is that a valid source for this specific incident?
also toxic. Fire them both!
Yeah, I’ll also take Ben’s proposal over Jim’s. And I love their vows:
One of the worst feelings in my adult life came when a five-year relationship collapsed, and afterwards I heard from a mutual friend that my ex talked about having a “Jim and Pam” flirty thing with a guy at work.
Well yeah. At his worst, Ben makes stop-mo animation films, really complicated board games and town ruining ice rinks.
I always preferred Leslie & Ben to Jim and Pam.
This reminds me of a story all the elders in my family tell. They recall a group of whyte men coming to visit the family farm (cause for alarm). They were understandably nervous as the men began putting “poles” into the land and pulling out a thick black substance. A few weeks go buy and the men come back with “bigger…
90% rubbing alcohol*. Spray those fuckers to oblivion.
Women are people. They are more than half of the people. Failure to recognize women as people means that more than half of humanity is hobbled, just off the bat. We as a species spend enormous amounts of energy to literally hold ourselves back.
My ex used to ask me what I needed when I was upset, and the first time he said it I teared up with relief. It felt so good to be heard.
Well you’re wrong on both points anyway. If you’re coming up and slapping a phone out of someone’s hand, you’ve just committed assault. So not illegal to film in public (a restaurant is public) AND illegal to pounce on someone for filming.
I probably shouldn’t engage here, but she didn’t move to knock the phone out of their hand until they were OUT of the restaurant and on the PUBLIC sidewalk. So even with your BS, a restaurant is not public claim, you’re still wrong.
You don’t get to pick your own reality to substitute the one we’re already using.