Oh my god! This is the Massacre at Bowling Green that Kellyanne Conwoman was talking about! She can see the future!
Oh my god! This is the Massacre at Bowling Green that Kellyanne Conwoman was talking about! She can see the future!
She’s just trying to sell books. However, the idea of “rigging” plays right into the Trumpers you’re trying to fight. Sanders wasn’t going to beat Trump. Bottom line is if there’s no Comey letter in the NYT right before the election she probably wins. The “odor” of failure? Well that failure had a lead going into…
“So tired of these clowns out here talking about they want a Michelle or Ayesha when they aren’t a Barack or Stephen. Hollering, “Michelle worked with Barack!” Clown, Barack Hussein Obama was a gainfully employed, Harvard educated attorney before he darkened Michelle’s doorstep. You own an Xbox and a durag. Sit.”
Woman makes decision to leave a disrespectful, drug abusing cheater: “Fuck that stupid bitch!”
Taibbi has continued being a misogynist well into this year. His pieces on Hillary Clinton during the campaign were virtually foaming at the mouth, so this is no surprise to me whatsoever.
Do you know how exciting good credit is??? Getting approved for a mortgage gets me hot and bothered.
To quote Chris Rock, “the only exciting relationships are BAD ones.” Truer words have never been spoken. I’ll take my “corny” relationship where I can always reach the Boo Thang, he is where he says he is and shows up when he’s supposed to any day over some “excitement”.
I honestly don’t know a woman in her right mind who wouldn’t marry a Russell Wilson caliber man, even minus the professional career. Actually ESPECIALLY minus the high profile groupie attracting career.
I just said this the other day. They don’t want the Nice Black Girl. They want to girl everyone lusts after. The girl who has options. Options that aren’t his ass because he’s lacking personality, unfunny, stupid, and/or ugly. Tell the truth and shame the devil.
I was in and out of Moscow during the time period the eXile was active. I used to hear stories about these guys, and occasionally would be in the same place as them. I don’t believe that what was written in their book was “satire”, because then that would make them different than almost every other western male expat…
Go ahead and keep spreading that White propaganda. There is a reason the movies and tv shows have the White kids bullying nerds trope. The poindexters, the D&D geeks, the av nerds, bandgeeks. White kids love bullying nerds. Its because it happens all the time. Kids are kids. Black children do not value education less…
And don’t forget Sixteen Candles’ racism?
I hate when people say bullshit like this. I went to mixed race schools. The White kids picked on White “nerds” just as much or more. Black people as a whole don’t have these negative traits you are projecting. Kids of all races are mean. Don’t fall for the White propaganda that only Black people do stuff like that…
If loving me a corny, well-read, thoughtful man is wrong, I don’t want to be right. I pray that both my sons grown up to be as corny and wonderful as their father.
I had the distinct displeasure of dealing with Matt Taibbi when I worked at a teen magazine. He wrote for a free weekly paper at the time and saw himself as a hero for young girls. Ha. He was terribly condescending and obnoxious and dragged my name threw the mud for a lame article. He has no character and really …
So, “We’re not serial rapists. We’re just a pair of frat boy hacks who built their careers on fraud and misogynist fan fiction.”
Let’s just take his assertion that this is incredibly misogynist satire at face value. He also threw coffee and stalked a reviewer who didn’t like his book. He also had to leave another job for harassing a coworker based on her gender. Why do people keep giving this guy a chance?
If you’re looking for a better satire, read Dietland by Sarai Walker. It has two running stories, one about a depressed woman named Plum falling in with a feminist collective in an attempt to get their leader to pay for her weight-reduction surgery, and one about a crazy-violent political terrorist group named…
Way to turn it around and make sure it becomes about what’s wrong with women once again.
I married a corny guy and I hope my daughter does too.