If someone in my office walked around with her naked feet for all to see, I would be the one PLACING the tacks on the ground, not offering her luxurious slippers that she would likely not wear!!
If someone in my office walked around with her naked feet for all to see, I would be the one PLACING the tacks on the ground, not offering her luxurious slippers that she would likely not wear!!
Ugh, I feel for this poor woman. As a woman who often traverses the world alone, this is one of my biggest fears. Just the other day at the grocery store I was accosted by a group of men who didn’t seem to understand why I averted eye contact, smiled nervously, and moved quickly past them as they “complimented” me.…
Black people are being priced out of Harlem. The Gentrifiers wanted to call it WeeHo or something.
When everything else seems bleak, I remember that given Trump’s age and my relative youth, I will one day read in the news that he is dead. Unless, of course, we simultaneously perish in a nuclear conflagration, or no news of his death is released by the Ministry of Truth.
I’ve read your reasoning for how this could happen, and in turn I want to leave you with the words of a wise man.
You do know Bernie voted for that shit he didn’t back, right? Seems kinda two-faced.
Didn’t Magic Grandpa sign one of those agreements too and then decide he didn’t want to put any money into it? He kept all his money to himself.
Donna Brazile is not exactly a reliable source, especially when she’s trying to sell a book about how she valiantly struggled against The System and her pure motives were no match for all the corruption she claims existed.
Donna looking even thirstier than Nina Turner, right now.
I can’t be bothered by any of this. All of this could be true (several people are calling this revisionist history) and it wouldn’t change a damn thing. Bernie was weak and flawed too. Bernie had a black people and a race problem. He still does by the way. Clinton at least attempted to show a change. Bernie expected…
This is so clearly Donna Brazile’s attempt to win back the Bernie-supporter part of the party after being caught giving Clinton questions prior to a debate. Even Stevie Wonder can see what she’s trying to do here.
Hold up, this is Donna B who got busted trying to hook Hillary up, right?
This right here is why men are walking around looking all crusty and dusty. Sir, you already look homeless if you think exfoliating and using acid toner are akin to ripping your skin off and splashing acid on your face. First of all they don’t hurt. Second, test patch.
Did anyone say to buy some?
You’re better than this.
They will ruin your life.
Dude, the entire set-up is “pro-white.” Please. Fuck off.
It’s always telling when someone labels a woman’s writing as “hysterical” when it’s so clearly not.
The apologists/revisionists coming out of the woodwork to paint Lee and other Confederates as “great men” are going to give me a fucking aneurysm. The core reason, quite possibly the only reason, the Civil War happened, is because of slavery. There was no nuance. There was no gray area. This was literally a (and…