
Sounds like they need to lay hands on those coon-ass motherfuckers, first.

I never knew Satan’s son read the root. What are you doing here?

Now I want to watch Black Jeopardy

Even if Steve Harvey never does anything else again, I hope Kenan keeps doing him. I dont care if it’s a sketch entitled “Steve Harvey’s Juice Bar and Mahjong House of Cotton Candy.”

high fraud product

Im never watching it. Ever.

Congrats and Happy Halloween to everyone who thinks they’re breaking the news about sleep paralysis to the rest of us.

Literally the only show I want to watch is Lisa and the Toms opening a restaurant together.

Who uses in-store lipstick samples on their lips?! Who are the people doing this?!!! That is so gross on so many levels and that is an appropriate natural human response because...this woman got the herps.

I don’t even like putting them on my hands! For most makeup I’m willing to give it a shot on the wrist, but for lipstick I just take advantage of Sephora’s generous return policy.

DO NOT EVER PUT TESTER MAKEUP ON YOUR FACE!!! Jesus, we need a sign for this now???

Heart-breaking freaky weird as hell coincidence.

But being Called exotic for being recognized as unique can be a good thing. Of course if you choose to think of it negatively, that’s on you

A Black man who prefers and fetishizes mixed women? What. A. Shock.


They have a set in their favorite series with 7 deluxe sized and 2 full sized so kinda perfect to test out which one(s) are good and will not irritate your eyes.

Brilliant! And thank you from a less beauty savvy Jezzie!

How are you not in the greys? Nobody has to hold themselves to “racial norms” whatever the hell you mean by that. We can all make our own identity. We’re all free to be, act, and dress however we want. There’s no such thing as a racial norm.

“social justice warriors”.