
David Foster constantly did that at parties when he was married to Yolanda and filming RHOBH.

Jesus, that is awful. And I feel sorry for the band, because you know there are people on that plane who are far too tired and stressed to politely hide their desire to hurl themselves out the emergency exit sans parachute.

I don’t even like when I’m at a party and suddenly someone starts singing at the piano or

snap judgement’s spooked is something else. if you like this stuff, give the podcast a listen.

I’m also afraid of showering in my house alone. This fear ramped up to an 11 recently after an episode of the podcast My Favorite Murder. Briefly, after her son and husband went off to do their things, a woman had a leisurely morning in her home and then headed upstairs to shower. When she came out of the shower,

everyone who knows my character and knows my heart

So nothing else happened for 4 years, and then this person enters SAA all of a sudden? Am I missing something here?

I thank my lucky stars that I have a decent in-laws. Yes they’re more conservative than my husband and I but they’ve learned not bring social issues up with me because I have made his sisters look the fool enough times. My MIL is literally the nicest person anyone ever meets, she’s a tiny Italian lady who loves wine

(TBF, I’ve had the same experience with men of color when someone (maybe me from time to time *cough*) felt they had to be told about themselves. There’s an immediate, and I mean immediate, tsunami of NOTALLMEN or NOTALLBLACKMEN or NOTALLLATINMEN or NOTALLASIANMEN. Yeesh. So I’m thinking there’s some relationship

Stretch fabric with sequins melted onto it is not the same as hand-embellished rhinestone/crystal fabric...discrediting the designer and craftsman is not the point here.

Especially white underwear. And I don’t even wear body makeup.

No you’re not crazy cuz I don’t want anything where someone else’s coochie has been.

Sewing the patches of fabric together eh $10 easily, fit aside. Sewing on the individual crystals takes awhile, it’s like hand embroidery and if it was made by people getting paid reasonably well $700 seems fine.

I’m headed to a counter protest Saturday! Some white supremacists are holding a White Lives Matter rally. I made this sign just for them. <3

I have a reason to celebrate! After 5 years of waiting for The Asshole to fix the divorce papers he wanted me to sign, I went ahead and filed for divorce myself, back in June. This week, the judge signed the decree after The Asshole didn’t respond to the notice he was sent.

“But stop inviting everybody to the motherfucking cookout. Love yourself and respect your blackness a little bit more.”

It always interesting that Americans will put the onus of responsibility for ISIS/Al Qaeda/Taliban/mujahedeen back on the Islamic community for them to clean up and fix. It ignores the reality that terrorism is an inevitable by-product of empire building. Of course then we would have to re-examine American

just finished revisions to a journal article on political identity sorting, and you oughta see how religion boosts that shit for white people. black people score higher in religiosity (composite of: attendance, fundamentalism, belief in god) than white people, but don’t leverage it in the same way as whites. in turn

It’s like he’s throwing his hands up, all “I’m sorry I don’t know how to flirt, you guys!” Ugh.

Same. I am reclaiming my time AND reclaiming my space. Get the hell out of my way, dudes. Head up, shoulders back.

This is why, when I’m walking down a street or hall and people are coming toward me, I don’t get out of the way. The only people who have bumped into me are men. Only a handful apologize. I don’t though.