Dude is waaaaay waaaay waaay more together than Ben assfuck... is not a heavy drinker or drug user just stop you have no idea what you are talking about
Dude is waaaaay waaaay waaay more together than Ben assfuck... is not a heavy drinker or drug user just stop you have no idea what you are talking about
Was Bannon planning on running someone against Flake? I am curious why he would give up a guaranteed paycheck (AZ in a GOP state). His reasoning seem suspicious, where was he the past 8-years while the GOP was heading in this direction??
So he was caught in the act and his sperm matches but his defense was supposed to be “but her mom is a greedy bitch”? So, the Polanski gambit.
Lost a lot of Internet friends in those days...***pours out 40 in remembrance***
Tried to save Damon a long time ago. Cause #icare. But not everybody can be saved until they WONT to be saved.
Shoulda bought Grits.
I don’t think it’s a “Millenial” problem. In fact, I’m pretty sure it was worse in past generations, as that was considered the norm. There was a whole popular TV show with grown ass men teaching others how to push past a woman’s boundaries to get sex. And that was like 10-20 years ago. The same stuff is said now, but…
I personally have no trouble believing Laura Bush sparks up in the stacks of the Presidential Library. She had to be on something to maintain that blissed out look for 8 years.
Yvonne Orji too
Keeping her support “low-key” means putting money in his prison comissary account. It doesn’t mean being a “star witness” so a child rapist can remain free and his victims don’t see justice. And I liked Minaj too! Now I’m going to have to stop listening to her music! So angry!
Nicki is making a big mistake.
I mean. This is a word.
Stand down Onika. You’re not helping . His DNA was found on the little girls underwear.
Racism isn’t a costume.
Fuck that. Ruin their lives. Black children lives are ruined everyday or more like every hour on the day for the stupid mistakes that they make sooooo. I have no sympathy, fuck them up. This SHOULD follow them forever.
I see, so, Ms. Robinson somehow managed to get Maraj’s DNA on her daughter’s pajama pants so she could set herself up for a big payout from Nicki.
Fran Drescher is my spirit animal. I’m not religiously Jewish, but culturally, I am SO fucking Jewish, and even though I never lived in NYC, people tell me I sound like a New York Jew, and oh man, it was just so great watching The Nanny and getting to see someone just being really proud of her culture, her family,…
I haven’t even read this yet, because I’m just kind of squealing over the concept of even having an interview with Fran Drescher. I love her, and have loved The Nanny when it was originally airing while I was growing up.
I just replied to the Northam campaign’s 19,000th email asking for money with a link to this post.