
I don’t live in Va, but I get all the Va. political campaign ads on TV. I continue to forget that there is a Lt. Governor’s race because I have barely seen anything from Fairfax. I think I saw an ad for him for the first time just two days ago.

I think they want to say it’s his fault because he doesn’t unequivocally support the pipeline. It’s the NFL again. He took a knee so they kicked him off the field.

The state party agreed to snatch African-American lieutenant-governor candidate Justin Fairfax off of a campaign flyer and to feature only the white statewide candidates. Then the party turned around and blamed Fairfax for his own removal.

Great, now we will have that troll Gillespie as governor because Democrats can’t manage themselves.

I’d do him. Throwdown with Bobby all night long if you know what I mean

I worked with a good friend of his ex-wife. I got lotsaaaa deets.

I’m of the view there’s no appropriate time to release a film like this and maybe we can stop making films that pedal the fantasy that any teenage girl would be interested in gross older guys altogether. The fantasy is entirely ONE-SIDED.

NO! No more Heigl! No! She’s gone now!

Claudettes gold’ngreen

Everyone involved in this is utter garbage.

Can’t say that I’m shocked after this with Azealia. Sad. Dang are there any brothers in the game that take up for us?

Shit, he hangs with Tarantino and Tarantino still has all his teeth so he has to be one of those permissive black friends. Disappointing but none of this surprises me.

A couple of years ago, I used to write for a late night talk show..RZA was a guest..and it was about the ‘n-word’. He said he didn’t think anything was wrong w/his white friends using it around him. This is why I always believed Azealia.

I immediately believed her, and am saddened that once again, a Black man did not come to a Black woman’s defense. Not at the time of the incident, and even going so far as to say she lied about what happened. So white bros before hos, it seems.

This movie was AMAZING!!!! **aims low**

I believed Azealia then and I believe her now. I put nothing past the depravity of white men, so it wasn’t all that far-fetched to think Russell could do that. Isn’t he known for being an angry summabitch anyways? AB is frustrating in a lot of ways but she still deserves to be respected, loved, and protected within

Exit stage left.

When baby items are gate checked, they go into the hold last, so that they can be quickly retrieved as parents deplane. There would be no “digging around in checked luggage” for it, it’s literally the last thing they put in. AA refusing to go get it was just a dick move, especially when she’s traveling solo with a

There is a difference between speaking on your views and having views that don’t allow you to do your job. If you were an extreme Jehovah’s witness and you wouldn’t even perform a blood transfusion you wouldn’t be allowed to work as a doctor. So if you’re a white supremacist and don’t think that people of color should

How do you grow out of voting for a man who 1) sexually assaults women and brags about it in addition to raping one of his wives, 2) talks to anyone who will listen about “the blacks” not being as smart as “the jews”, and 3) doesn’t even think Puerto Ricans are as good as other Americans and also thinks the majority