
Imagine if Tupac were still alive for this minstrel act we call hiphop

I wish I could tell my past self to soak in that HBCU environment more so I’d have something warm to hold on to once I was plunged into the post-college world of whiteness.

So you admit that it’s not a problem for everyone, then you explain that essentially the reason you want everybody to speak the same language is because you’re paranoid they’re saying something bad about you. So you’re distracted because even though you don’t speak the language, you’re trying to pick up clues as to

Fun fact: we Californians can focus on and accomplish several tasks simultaneously...sooooooo thanks I guess? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, I agree. I said this in a couple of posts that apparently didn’t go over too well since they’ve both disappeared...but even in a work environment, if someone is speaking a different language and doing it disrespectfully, the problem is the disrespectful behavior and not language it’s happening in.

I don’t see how bilingualism in the workplace is a problem unless the people hired lack integrity. That would be an issue with their character and ethics, not their bilingualism.

All these bad takes and unwanted opinions just...whew...

That Mayim Bialik article was jaw droppingly bad. She tries to position herself as a champion of women and then has the nerve to write that. Unreal

Yes, I saw her response to Bialik’s op-ed. It is amazing how internalized misogyny is. And by amazing I mean incredibly depressing.

On the other end of the spectrum, Gabrielle Union had a great perspective/take on these people clamoring about “modesty” and other forms of victim blaming, talking about how modestly she was dressed when it happened to her while working at a Payless.

Damn Sunny. It was already a fucking miracle that you are a celeb to begin with. As Issa would say, “why you being all loud?”

Between this and Mayim Bialik garbage, it is NO WONDER why women do not come forward and feel intense shame about their assault.

True he’s not helping, but punishing the child, and the father by punishing the child, is just abysmally wrong. Gee, let’s start bringing in the kids of repeat offenders and torturing them, maybe that will help. Can hardly believe this story.

Or on purpose.

Mike Pence probably won’t accidentally start a nuclear war with North Korea.

“One of the first faces of sexual harassment in the workplace (you’re welcome white women),”

Where’s your husband in this? You guys need to set some strict boundaries with his parents. If they don’t work within your rules, they don’t see the kid! And you and your husband have to present a united front on whatever parameters you set.

Also, it’s not OK for your parents to not see you because they’re mad at your in-laws. You need to have words with them about that and be more in control the situation.

Your in-laws should never have control over who does and doesn’t see your son. That’s your job and your husbands. Time to get mad at them and tell them that you’re not going to accept their behavior. If all else fails, play the “she has a brain tumor” card. And take the kid and go see your mom for as long as you/she

Man its almost like this is a complex and nuanced issue that can cause deep layers of trauma and, paired with the association with the rapist, a whole lot of confusion.

But yeah, just reduce it down to basic shit because you are a basic poop-ass fuckboy.