
Possible. She could also be all those things and still be a good friend to someone. People are complicated.

Good lord will they let the SATC movie go! No one wanted to see that shit anyway. Also, how does Willie Garson know Kim C. was in negotiations for six months? Was he involved in the negotiation talks? Did he see the emails between her and the producers? It’s obvious now that Kim wants no parts of that turd. Either

I am 99% in favor of this list, but where the hell is The Hate U Give?

Yeah. I feel like if you don’t like Louisiana at all then you just don’t like hot sauce, and then I can’t trust you. lol

Carmen Maria Machado’s short story collection, Her Body and Other Parties: Stories, is one of the strongest debuts in recent memory, a collection of myths and fables, like Angela Carter or Kelly Link

Texas Pete anyone else put that on tortilla chips?

I say we stop worrying about them and just think about what we want to see and call it whatever we want to call it.

Sarah Jessica Parker seems like a genuinely lovely person but she really picked the wrong hill to die on. Kim couldn’t be more in the right.

If it doesn’t apply to you, keep your mouth shut and keep moving. As a man, I don’t have to worry about rape for the most part, and I damn sure am not going to assume that every time someone talks about men that it is a personal attack against me. How self-absorbed and fragile would I have to be?

Grits with sugar are the way, the truth, and the light. They are the reason why Beyonce is bootylicious. They keep the pum pum sweet and ready to eat. They are responsible for many a thick thigh that saves lives. It is the fuel that starts a voluptious woman’s day. Paired with some seasoned eggs, bacon or sausage,

Wow. You are very bad at math and history and economics. Many white people thought it was ok to buy and sell other people for their own benefit and fought a fucking war to maintain their ability to own other people. So yes...lots of villains in this system but you don’t have supply without demand. The fact that

Not to be obnoxious or anything...but I’m getting married tomorrow!! Eeeeeeeeeee!

I have no patience for negroes who insist on blaming those who are of their race and the same gender of the object of their desire for why they date white people of their preferred gender.

I bet Marlo has Seen Things.

Yep. Her son needs to do the heavy lifting with this one. The mother he came from is hurting the family he and his wife created, and his long work hours do not give him an out to not care about his wife and kids. If anything, his long hours away are a reason why he needs to tell his mother to pipe down with her

Marlo is a treasure. Nothing puts a smile on my face like listening to her talk shit with that raspy smoker’s voice.

If only they would swap out Kenya for Marlo I could truly know joy.

White people need to stop acting like calling them racist is the same as calling a POC a racial slur.

When you don’t have the time it takes to cook -real- grits (Because QUIK Grits falls under the same label), grits from a pouch with butter and milk or cream and five minutes in the microwave is reasonable.

Because they don’t want to. The right to choose extends past abortion, people! Don’t worry about other women’s wombs or eggs (in this case).