I heard an interview with Glover where he was talking about magical realist elements to the show. He specifically mentioned the invisible car or that Bieber is black as being part of that. You’re just supposed to roll with it.
Okkayyyyy...show up to my families Thanksgiving with some greens that have been cooked sans meat....ya ass is getting cussed out like you reniged AND cut ya partner in a game of spades.
Sorry girl, but this article is making you like the Gwyneth Paltrow of black people. All those foods are CRUCIAL. Also, I only started eating egg yolks runny after white people introduced me to the idea. All the people I grew up with prefer their food overcooked IMO.
Probably a bored intern.
Does it hurt to be this wrong? I was expecting some real Black nonsense like ambrosia. That stuff is nasty.
Space and opportunity. We ain’t even got to move furniture. Just start swinging when you see me, and I will do likewise. Don’t eat fried chicken skin, FOH with that foolishness.
This is some BULLSHIT. Big Mama and her burnt arm is rolling over in her grave. All y’all Noveau Blacks who are too good for collard greens with meat and grits are the reason why we as blacks can’t have nice things. Y’all dine at Phillipe Chow once and think you are Anthony Bourdain. But, like Sister Jennifer Hudson…
Some of these schools aren’t even currently accredited... Who did they put on task for this foolishness?
Nah, I want to hear it moo when I cut it up. I want it so that a skilled vet could still bring it back. I want my steak so red that Crips get offended by it.
I was taught by a Georgia-born lady how to cook the greens. Just relaying what was told to me by the OG. She said greens gotta be tangy, sweet, spicy and savory.
Right! Who is trying to eat leather, TF?
“Like eating rare meat.”
“Have never in my life eaten a turkey neck or hamhock.”
My people come by way of Jamaica so *shrug*
This list almost killed me...Be still my beating heart.
Damn it I did it. My ancestors told me not to, my inner culinary expert told me not to. But I read the rest of this God forsaken list and at this point you can just catch me outside. ***Kanye shrug**
People! Real (country) people!
ok, so one thing is for sure. You are definitely not a southern black folk - cuz in the south- grits are a way of life. & the defamation of chicken skins, meat in greens & gravy???? Who hurt you?