
It’s not a young person thing - the sister is a narcissist. She’s addicted to the free attention and support being preggers gets her, and probably sees her sister’s wedding as competition. More than likely, she’s banking on being able to use them to start some kind of scene to steal the limelight.

Old person rant: when my brothers and I were children (up the age of 12 or so), we didn’t go to any effing weddings except when I was a flower girl and I certainly didn’t stay the entire reception. In my mind, allowing children at weddings is an ultimate act of mercy and angelic kindness on the part of the bride and

I was going to say that, too. People probably would have forgiven a lot more from Iggy if she was an Eminem-level talent at rapping and song-writing.

That, at least, is abundantly clear

Ohhhh my god. Look, I don’t know how I can possibly explain it better than Clover has, but I’ll try to be succinct:

Nobody is crying any tears for this poor, beleaguered white girl who was handed a music career based on her whiteness, while a few people tried to steer her away from the cultural appropriation she so needed to commit. Fuck her.

Jon Cooper was a major ass with that tweet. Busy gave him hell and his sexist bullshit deserved every bit of it.

...Man, I think I’m going to keep coming back to this piece all day, thinking about it more. Upon reflection, this bit is really sticking with me:

People who demand respect or obedience to symbols or the rote chanting of words don’t really understand the whole point of the American Revolution. This is a brave little boy exercising his rights as as an American.


That train is never late.

This comment deserves not only a star, but a lift up from the grays. Well done.

Why didn’t I realize this?

Please tell me men weren’t out here happy that Lawrence got fetishized and used for 40$. Can we have some self-respect out here?

“that he was “dealing” with his situation by dragging other people through his shit and that was not okay.” OMG...same. I literally stopped dating because I knew I wasn’t over someone. I hurt one guy and was like “nope, never again will I drag someone else into my foolery.”

This is really good satire. I like the way you obliquely critique absentee fathers by leaving them completely unmentioned: invisible, but omnipresent trash.

So you’re just gonna be that person huh?

See this has me questioning my entire life right now. Was there even a stripper????

Men were just horrified that Issa had the nerve to cheat on Lawrence; cheating, especially forgivable cheating, is for men only. And they were happy to see him giving it to Tasha and having a threesome with women who weren’t Black. That and Issa suffering for being a “whore” is all they really cared about. *shrug*

My thing is that my general mind set with this show is that all the main characters are fucking up and that’s fine. What I couldn’t stand behind was people being team Lawrence when it was so clear (fine, to me) that he was “dealing” with his situation by dragging other people through his shit and that was not okay. At