
Mike always warrants a star.

This is the Picasso of trolling. Either that, or the Stacy Dash of sincere opinions.

I kind of feel like the turtleneck solidifies his trashness.

Lawrence is a roller coaster. Some episodes I want to root for him, sometimes I can’t stand him. Trash-ish is a good way of putting it.

This is literally the worst take I’ve ever heard about anything in my entire life. It’s like Jason Whitlock and Umar Johnson had a baby, and named that baby Tomi Lahren. You are that baby.

Blaming straight white males for something? Likely — often justified and likely.

Ugh. Frank and his fucking country chickens.

I’m cry-laughing just remembering all of this bullshit. I used to LIVE for that show on Saturdays when I was a young teen.

What about the time she dumped literal tons of sand on the floor of somebody’s house? Amazing.

Hildi Santo-Thomas was the worst best! Who could forget the straw room, the floral bathroom or her self portrait!?!

i fucking died and came back to life the first time i saw that episode, seeing isabella rossellini beating the crap out of liz. they didn’t use bianca much but when they did it was always good. “oh, damn it, johnny! you know i love my big beef and cheddar!!!”

nah, that’s emmanuelle goes to dinosaur land, which is one of my favorites for that scene alone. “a homeless man cooking a hot pocket on the third rail of the G train. THE G TRAIN, NERMAL!!!”

Yooooooo I relate to this entire post so much. I’m so sad they’re taking it off. I quote this show, like, twice a day at least. It’s so relevant to my life!!

Reverse racism isn’t a thing, definitely. But are you implying that white people experience racism?

Anywhere near the ocean, like Santa Monica, has an average high of low ‘70s in mid Summer, and low ‘60s for half the year. The temperature goes up rapidly the further inland you go, so some of the interior suburbs are oppressively hot in Summer. But the entire LA area as a whole rarely gets too hot for normal

Y’all HAVE to have seen that tweet comparing him to Carl Thomas’ album cover!!!!! “I Wish I Never Met Her Ass!” LMAO!

...Seriously? It’s a temperate climate that can be very changeable. You wear layers here. Almost year-round (yes, including the summer). I honestly don’t understand why this is so difficult for people to grasp.

have yall ever been to Los Angeles?