
The woman who first told the story as a blind item has said it was not Louis CK. Another comic, Doug Stanhope, came forward and said it was him, not Louis CK. So why is he still being tarred with this brush? I’m sure he’s not without faults, but it’s been pretty much verified that this isn’t one of them.

“So me and grandma was up on the roof. Water came higher and higher. We didn’t know what to do. Then an idea came to me. I called Pizza Hut. But the phone rang and rang. No one answered. Where were you in our time of need, Pizza Hut?? Grandma...grandma (sobs)...didn’t get her bread sticks that day.”

Where’s the lie?

Tracy Does Conan was the first episode I really loved and worked as a gateway for friends who I wanted to get into the show.

Ugh, this image sucks but it’s all I could find for this, which also gets me every time

Such a good one. My fave is the one where Liz and Jack go to Stone Mountain to see a ventriloquist. Sigh. Watching reruns of this show on Netflix is my comfort food. I’m gonna need to talk to some food about this.

Sandwich Day FOREVER!

Tracy, despondent: Dr. Spaceman, Dr. Spaceman!

Leprechauns would have some bomb green and gold palettes and glittery make up.

I’ve been called a succubus multiple times by multiple boyfriends over the years. Not sure what that says about me or the men I’ve dated.

I think she was trying to convince herself that she “could” be more than a friend to Quinton. She was trying to complete the therapist’s exercise in the way that only Molly could, and she failed. Like with 100 F’s.

Leti who?

High heeled flip flops were a Thing in the early 2000s and I wore the shit out of them. For people who ordinarily can’t wear strappy sandal heels because their troll feet are too wide and their toes stick out between the straps, this trend is a miracle. I eagerly welcome their return.

To stand in line here is to be okay with murder

You don’t like watching little kids get shot, but won’t actually do anything about it. Then, when someone with Kap’s stature does something try and bring attention to it and is blackballed, you deride his ability to play. Seems to me like you don’t really give a shit after all.

Profane times call for profane words. And sometimes a good fuck is the best word. And if you think The Root is just a “haven for angry people yelling” then whatever dude.

1) Colin Kaepernick never “ran his mouth”. He never said anything. He sat down in protest of police violence.

Looks like the white Browns fans have discovered The Root.