
You don’t “accidentally” push an 8-year-old off a table with a rope around his neck.

Hey Maria,

I’m sure Meldonium Sharapova is already trying to brand herself as the white answer to Sloane Stephens for more endorsement money.

She somehow very much looks the part.

I know there’s some snark I need to respond to, but I’m just relieved I finally heard from one of my friends in Mexico a few minutes ago. He and his family got through the earthquake okay and are getting ready to evacuate north to avoid Katia. Because they’re having a great week.

nuh uh I’ve seen this cartoon movie. Where’s the lamb that I have to sacrifice and then put the blood on my door? Does it have to be locally sourced?

Then there’s that shitty Taylor Swift song.

I’m over here like, what? Her whole relationship has been a lie and she’s about to bring a kid into it and people are ‘hur dur, welp, she gave him an ultimatum, how else was he supposed to respond?’ Life is only messy when you fail to make the difficult decisions. Staying with him makes her and her daughter’s life

“the first sign” was that he’s been cheating on her for years, for their entire relationship. basically, their entire relationship is a lie.

But the black or brown woman in this scenario was probably in a gang, and gang members are 100% responsible for their actions, even if they are 15. Now, white girls who choose to join cults at 19 are totally brainwashed and incapable of not killing and writing in victims’ blood. Because reasons.


If only this only happened in books. Ugh.

I’m thinking that the folks who got life (or long) sentences for non violent crimes during the “3 strikes era” (and before and after) are more deserving. A lot of them are POC though so yeah, lets parole a murderer instead. /sarcasm

Now just imagine how “compassionate” people would be if she was a 19 year old Black, Latina or Native woman. They would have been cheering her into the gas chamber.

You can google the images and see exactly what sweet, little Leslie and her buddies did to Rosemary and Leno LaBianca.

Fuck her. She was old enough to know that participating in a double murder would have some serious consequences.

Let the old bat rot.

“people get away with much more”

Right. What makes people think that she would be less dangerous? Because she’s white, female and old with a conservative bob?

She was 19; she was not a kid. Manson didn’t pick her that night to go along and kill Rosemary and Leno LaBianca. VanHouten went up to Manson and asked to go along. She wanted to commit those murders.