
That’s kind of a publicist’s job though- knowing media outlets. If Tiffany hadn’t known, I’d just think she doesn’t spend much time reading women’s magazines or long-form journalism/essays, which is fine (personal preferences and all that). But her publicist should know better!

Given how many people in that position aren’t very good parents, it seems like it comes with its own challenges.

Lawrence is the black version of that walking talking Drake song, Ted Mobsy.

Lawrence is prototypical Nice Guy™️, he read the temperature of the room and needed Issa to know it wasn’t like that... Because he can’t not be viewed as nice. Same reason he went to Tashas cookout he ain’t want to, same reason he invited coworker bae because she was embarrassed earlier. But then... When hos nice guy

Amen. I know a handful of truly good, kind, loving, non-bigoted Christians - really, just a handful - and they need to be proselytizing to their own and reminding the lovely folks at Bethany United Church of Christ just how un-Christ-like they really are.

NALT Christians need to go tell it to their brethren, not to outsiders. Maybe your congregation can contact Lee’s to let them know how unchristian they’re being.

Don’t lump as all in there. Episcopal and us methodists are big on social justice. We haven’t quite come around on GLBT issues yet, but we’re sure as hell working on it.

She’s bipolar I’m like 99% sure and guess what? Treatment often involves prescription meds. You’re an Asshole.

Aren’t most white people #6? “Me not racist but... Fox News told me BLM was exactly as bad as KKK and me believed that without question and reposted it on Facebook!” Me just glad me work on Sesame Street where me only have about half of these people as co-workers.

That’s a troll.

You’re a fucking idiot.

Signal Boost: if you’re a college student in/around Houston who has been displaced or had your academic plans upended by Harvey, the University of North Texas is waiving all application fees and offering quick admission through the middle of September. No idea if this will apply to anyone here but I figured it’s good

Here’s a simpler rule...

I equally hold both parties on equal distain.

It was different with Bernie, for some reason. All I can figure is people find a hawkish man a lot more palatable than a hawkish woman.

It’s as if folks forgot that women doing what they want with their own genitals can also include doing nothing.

I read those articles and I have no wish to make you feel bad or invalidated. But not everything needs a label. Not being attracted to most people based solely on physical beauty is not, in my opinion, a particularly unusual or distinct trait and bears zero resemblance with the LGBTQ community.

Too bad it’s not adorable twins. You take one. He takes one. Move to the opposite coast. Just be careful the summer camp they attend.

“I equally hold both parties on equal distain. Many statements about the disagreements between seemingly identical positions but arguing over simple small disagreements is endemic of this country as of late.”

People who have sex in restuarant bathrooms or other places used by the public are inconsiderate and insufferable pricks and that’s saying the absolute least.