
Eric Trump: My Father Has to Block Out Negative Media or He’d End Up Killing Himself

that the police are an existential threat to black people and they acknowledge that in this video.

Well, between this and a Republican state rep in GA who threatened to kill a black attorney over the damned statues, maybe it IS time to regroup the Black Panthers, I don’t know, I mean...

This is an admission by a police officer of a department’s modus operandi. It’s time for some legal body to take that department to court on behalf of all citizens. Because an internal review of this one officer is not enough and doesn’t address the larger problem - that the police are an existential threat to black

This! Why people are so put off by being invited to a wedding? If you don’t want to go, don’t go! It’ll save the marrying couple some money AND you won’t have to complain about being asked to witness and celebrate an important event in the lives of some people you ostensibly care about! Everyone wins!

3 words: No Tolerance Policy!

She has returned to gag the disquiet masses!

“his client was just trying to de-escalate the situation with the driver”

“Whateverhappens, I just hope it’s incredibly dark.”

I just don’t understand why wedding invitations are such obligations. I’m getting married this year, and we’re inviting people we’d like to see there. If it would be inconvenient for them and they can’t make it, we understand! Completely! A couple of my fiancee’s best friends live out of state and have a new baby

A lot of people don’t get that they don’t make the rules about things that belong to other people. And when you tell them they’re not entitled to that, well, they won’t fucking hear it.

Yeah, how they get from “easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven” TO “God wants you to be rich” never ceases to make my head spin (and stomach turn).

*groan* My parents also. I remember when I was old enough to sit in church with them and say my mom write out that check, a check she wrote out every damn Sunday. Like, what? You give that much money a week??? My mom still believes the reason I don’t own a home is because I don’t give to the church.

Same, my mother kept thinking she was gonna hit the Jesus Lottery and become one of these holy moguls or some bull....all she had to do was give 10% of her paycheck every Sunday, plus whatever else was in her heart (or our savings’ account) on some weird pyramid scheme type shit. Motherfuck a Kenneth Copeland, Benny

I’d be a hell of a lot more convinced if those six to eight staff members who were at work and willing to open the doors to anyone who needed help were doing something, almost anything, to assist the community. If you’re a charitable organization, I think your duty to your community goes beyond being willing to

As someone who was raised in a church that spewed prosperity gospel, the only reaction I have to your comment is

Fuck the prosperity gospel. Straight=up cancer.

Any church or other religious organization that is physically capable of offering shelter during a disaster and doesn’t should have its tax-free status automatically revoked. They should have to pay taxes like any other business until they can prove their charitable value to the community.

I spoke someone in Cruz’s office yesterday and they were, despite my distate for him, very symathetic and behaved as if they were actually going to try and get something done. I am trying to verify that they were able to make it out this evening.

Sometimes it’s not about trying to have a teachable moment with someone who hates you. Sometimes you want to tell that person to shut the fuck up.