
Yeah Robert E. Lee had faults after the war but supporting the memory of the Confederacy was not one of them.

You’re reading too much into it. It’s ‘especially’ Heather because Heather died. And he was about to introduce her mother. He’s calling special attention to her because people need to know who is speaking next and why.

There’s nothing more enraging to a person who uses Prosperity brand Jeebus to take away other peoples’ rights and humanity to be called out by a person who actually abides by the Christian code of forgiveness, tolerance, charity, love of all peoples and empathy for those who suffer. There needs to be more Christian

I can see how people in the 1970s might have considered it a joke. We’d just had the Civil Rights movement, right? Everything was OK now. Especially in California.

What should also make them feel even more stupid than usual is that Robert E. Lee himself didn’t even want the fucking monuments to go up, for the very same reason people are taking them down.

I don’t know how her mother could stand up there and do that. There is a lot of strength in that family.

Ashlee Marie Preston DAMN baby you read that asshole! And fuck the ones capeing for that asshole. Everybody shoot treat that republican supporting scum like that.

Not expecting you to forget but telling us to secede is a big “fuck you we got ours and vote better next time” FYI Houston is the energy center of the US people are freaking out about how much damage it’s gonna do to the other 49 states.

What the fuck is wrong with you asshole?

Yeah, that’s gross. People are dying. I live in that other purple and heavily gerrymandered state. Given the federal response, Harvey is pretty worrisome.

Wow, so much empathy. I’m sure there are no assholes in the state that you live. It must be nice to be so perfect.

You know what? I’m usually pretty civil here, but my mother and sister are both in the Houston area right now. Both voted straight D in the last election, and definitely believe in global warming.

The blue wave was apparent up and down the ballot on a banner night for the county’s Democrats.

Can you not right now? Texas is a purple state that goes red because it’s gerrymandered to hell and back. It’s also home to Houston, the most diverse major city in the country, which is also getting hit the hardest.

 What? Why can’t you kick him out?

Even before I saw this image, I listened to the song and I thought oh, She’s going to make white women’s powered lipton iced tea. ok.

The TL;DR is Taylor Swift makes me side with Kanye West and that makes her trash.

No but I do believe in assholes who comment online from their parents’ dank basements. They’re much worse, anyways.

Apparently it does, considering the fact that I concluded it wasn’t an actual past life regression and provided multiple psychiatric explanations for how and why these sessions feel like they work. But whatever! I did it because it was a new and fun experience and that is something some people may never understand.