
Me, when my brother asks for money.

me, when an ex asks, “can we hang out?”

me, when a fuckboi asks, “where’s my hug?”

I agree. Issa would be the bitch if she forced Lawrence out and made him live with his fam or other friends until he “found himself.” He hung in with Issa because she put up with it and he got to fuck occasionally. His boy Chad had had enough of him after 2 weeks.... I think he absolutely took advantage of Issa and

One of the most amazing creations ever and there is a place in Brooklyn that has mashed up Korean fried chicken and soul food and its the most amazing thing ever.

I will only sign if there is a contingent of loyal followers who will cover her statue’s body with a black trash bag whenever it rains because I heard she can’t stand that shit.

My kinder...❤️During Frankenstein Craze

Real talk: when people say “be nice to/ignore/be polite to racists/Nazis/Confederates,” what they really mean is: “can you not be so loud, please? It’s so disorderly. I feel very triggered.”

If calling out white women on their bullshit is woman-hating then so be it... but ain’t I a woman?

You do realize how many non-black women say they want mixed babies right? It has nothing to do with making the world tan, it’s all about how “cute” mixed babies are. Quite possible one of the worst reasons to have a mixed-race child. The shit I went through and still go through with identity issues is off the charts.

In my mind, all the white people in your life when you let them know you were not the one:

Those aren’t friends.

But we ain’t talking about Black moms right now. What is this urge to always bring up what Black people do (see black on black crime) when we are having a conversation about white people. If this conversation is too grown and uncomfortable for you, don’t join in because it’s rude to shift the topic like that and it’s

Saw this totally cute baby on my Twitter feed!

You don’t have to look far to find white women who use the following things to claim they aren’t racist:

Where I’m from...lots of 40-ish biracial (black dad/white mom) adoptees (black parents if they are LUCKY). My childhood BFF was one.

So real talk. Not being snarky.

Unfortunately she isn’t the first...and won’t be the last to ship her biracial children off. There’s a whole documentary about it on Netflix. Smh.

Here’s my kiddo. She’s going to Kindergarten this year! She’s the best.

I get your point but doesn’t the New Testament contradict the Old Testament like all of the time?