
1. The ACLU is not a political organization. It’s not liberal, or democrat, or republican, or green. This is extremely important and it’s maybe the biggest misconception about the ACLU

Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.

Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.

I agree. Like, why the fuck do we want to have statues up all over the country of people who were traitors and racists? Why are so many white people still so intent on not just preserving but CELEBRATING this shit? (Rhetorical question. I know why, it just pisses me off.)

Keep in mind, the young lady that died protesting hate this weekend was FROM VA. While the racist trash that ran her down commuted in from Ohio. This has never been just the south’s probelm, nothings that easy.

I have a cousin who posts a lot of “proud of the Confederate flag”crap on his Facebook. I’m now prepared to throw all decorum out the window and ask what unit his relative served in. Since he can’t, I’ll remind him it was Company B of the 58th Pennsylvania Infantry.

God bless Bruno Mars.

The best allies are the ones who threaten their allegiance when they feel offended or dismissed. Nothing says you’re for social justice quite like threatening to not vote or vote Republican if someone hurts your fee fees.

How was that list of the whitest things white people say not supposed to expose white prejudice and racial stereotypes?

Okay but in neither of those examples was anyone called a racist so....

“Also, How are racist, xenophobic, patriotic, gun-loving, conservative ‘christians’ feeling right now?”

Can I admit I laughed my ass off at their Cost Plus World Market/ Pier 1 Imports tiki torches? Like is this a white BBQ with Fat Tire in the cooler or a nazi rally, guys. Cmon.

My favorite was the woman who said she “did liberation theology work in south america in her 20's” and thought that gave her a platform to say people of color aren’t being nice enough.

One last thing. I am half black, am married to a white man, and have children who were not blessed with any of my pigment. It is imperative that parents in my boat (and there are many) talk to and raise their multiracial children (regardless of the color of their skin) to vehemently oppose and speak out against this

You are so vain you think this movement is about you.

And if you do insist you are “one of the good ones” feel free to speak with your money. Refinery21 has a good list that includes the Charlottesville NAACP and the Charlottesville Solidarity Legal Fund.

tl;dr - The harm done to white feelings is not equal to the harm done to black bodies. Help or get out of the way.

That white people are somehow evil, soulless conquerers, while the other ethnic groups are pure, virgin victims of our evil oppression.

Would “a racist, murdering pig walked free and set an example that cops will always get away with killing black people” work better for you, Tazerface?

Do you remember the riot/shooting/melee at that biker bar in Dallas? All of those wypipo shooting at each other in a business establishment in BROAD DAYLIGHT got sat on the curb and offered refreshments before they were arrested and taken away. Somehow, white people acting like savages isn’t threatening to the police.