
Who the fuck are the dipshits starring brighter?

I’m a sicko lib as much as anyone here, but I feel like people in rural areas who own shotguns for exactly this kind of scenario shouldn’t be targets in conversations about gun control. It’s just kinda weird to me that dudes (real talk) who own a bunch of AR-15s and what-the-fuck-ever are treated as the same political

Seriously, I advocate against killing and paid some guy a couple of hundred dollars to “relocate” 6 or 7 skunks, moving them from under my cabin to somewhere out in the nearby forest. But I would kill a pack of poisonous snakes that had taken up residence under the house, just like this brave old lady. Aren’t

are you pontificating from Park Slope or some shit

Snakes in the Plains.

When white women stop white womening we can have a conversation but as long as they continue to be the soft hand of white supremacy I will treat them with exactly the amount of distrust they have earned.

Charlamagne is and likely always will be, garbage.

I think Janet Mock scares the shit out of them because she is so undeniably beautiful, and such a fearless trans woman.

He’s a predatory son of a bitch who drove a woman to take her life after he and a classmate raped her.

Toby would say this:

I wish Mrs. The Mooch and her baby well. And by “well”, I mean her lawyers take the Mooch to the cleaners and never look back. Leave him with nothing but his foul mouth and vile reputation.

Jesus Christ. My ex missed the birth of our daughter because he was stuck in an airport in Ireland, en route from Afghanistan. That is a perfectly honorable and respectful reason to miss the birth of your child. Being absent due to service to the objectively worse US president, in terms of competency and pretty much

NOOOOOOO! Don’t fuck him! I’m all for casual sex but some guys just don’t deserve it.

Ignorance, misogyny, racism, homophobia, and transphobia are not sexy. Full stop.

My dog is asleep in my lap having nightmares.

They didn’t need to vote on it. They knew it would pass anyways, and they got to gut the ACA to hell and back through 14 months of committees. They claim over and over that Obamacare was ramrodded through Congress, but it’s just not true. So many concessions were made to the GOP to get the bill through committees to

Yeah, bipartisanship IS the road Americans want Congress to take because half of Americans voted in Republican senators and half Democratic senators and the accomplishing nothing route hasn’t been good. In a country that’s pretty evenly divided by party, any one party doing all of the lawmaking is wrong, regardless of

So you just want Democrats to do what exactly? Just sit back like Republicans did and take their ball and go home and refuse to do anything? Not govern? Not offer any solutions? It working out really well for the Republicans so far.

Schumer seems to think that bipartisanship is a possibility or, at least, the road Americans want Democrats to take.

Explain this preggo test then...