
Too much of a vinegar bent for me. Give me a good chili garlic or piri piri sauce.

There are spicier hot sauces than Texas Pete.

He really is just the requisite shit stirrer for the show, and I don’t think he even believes in half of what he says but the money’s too good so he will never stop. I’m not impressed because grew up listening to Wendy and he will never get on her level. There was no line she would not cross. She used have these


Fucking Charlamagne. He’s on the right side of SO MANY THINGS, and then he gets WILDLY homophobic like three minutes later.

Black people out here just wanting respect for our personhood and our culture. This dude wants to start an infestation and decided it was super smart to tell other people “hey, this is what my family looks like and we wanted to give you all lice so we could get home. K. Thanx.” TF?

I clicked through to his site and . . . yeah, he is exactly who you think he is. And a former editor at Deadspin, no less!

What’s interesting, is that Travis previously wrote about Dr. Dao’s experience on United Airlines, and seemingly blamed him for getting dragged off the plane, “That’s why I find this doctor to be the true villain in this story. He doesn’t own his seat, he doesn’t have a legal right to dispute his eviction, airlines

Just to head this off at the pass; no, it’s still racist if you’re going to come into the comments to say something along the lines of “You know I normally wouldn’t say this, but the Roma really are [insert X stereotype here], and I know that because of [insert Y story about a trip to Europe]”

This is... suspect. Wasn’t Ebony in hot water with freelance writers recently?

Anita Hill. Yes. How tragic the way she was treated and trotted out.

Right there with you. That was my first thought as well.

I fully expected this article to state that he’d legally changed his first name to “Doctor.”

I think there’s a general distrust of women within the black community where powerful black men are concerned.

DeRogatis has written hundreds of thousands of words about this. And of those I’ve read, none have stuck out to me more than the ones you quoted at the end.

“The saddest fact I’ve learned is nobody matters less to our society than young black women. Nobody.”

“The saddest fact I’ve learned is nobody matters less to our society than young black women. Nobody.”

“The Black Community gives out way too many passes to people who really shouldn’t get them.”—Ray Lewis

Ya gotta check out the books, especially the first one. It talks about being from an immigrant family and her first principle, which is to just work really hard, and then keep working really hard. I have a lazy streak, and it’s very inspirational.

Okay it’s not just me who feels that way. that sort of relationship is fun when you are young in your 20s but not in your 30+. Because 9/10 the guy marries some basic girl who he just met. I feel like it’s playing with your emotions and time dragging you along. She seemed way more into Him than he ever was.She