Even though they are a political advocacy group, they are guided by well-meaning scientists. Claims for political purposes can still be grounded in objective science, especially when scientists are the drivers of the organization.
Even though they are a political advocacy group, they are guided by well-meaning scientists. Claims for political purposes can still be grounded in objective science, especially when scientists are the drivers of the organization.
Ah yes, the Union of Concerned Scientists is a political organization whose claims about science can’t be trusted, but the *checks notes* Wall Street Journal editorial board is an objective source that has no political agenda.
did you make a Kinja account just to “well ACTUALLY” the Union of Concerned Scientists?
One of them embraces uncanny valley in a good way.
The other one involves Sonic teeth.
Pikachu looks good
The list of delayed features includes:
I’ve never in my life seen or eaten a cheesecake as you are describing it. I just scrolled through a few pages of google image results for cheesecake and 2 out of 200 appeared to be missing a crust. What you’re describing is cheesecake filling.
I love it when people jump into threads here to declare that the definition everyone else is using for a culinary term is wrong and only their own idiosyncratic definition is actually correct.
Kraft’s lawyers are trying to use that shift to bolster their arguments against releasing the tape of his alleged crimes on two fronts: keeping it out of evidence in the courtroom and keeping it from being released publicly under Florida’s sunshine law.
Absolutely. My brother is gay and I support him in any way I can and the moment he told me this word was taboo (back when I was an ignorant high schooler), I deleted it from my verbal vocabulary. It’s definitely agree it’s part of the game setting and isn’t inherently targeting any groups. I think if someone were to…
Who hurt you?
I pity you
Grow some respect for human beings, asshole.
Don’t cut yourself on all the edge on the way out.
I’m getting a very strong feeling that if they wrote “P1g” instead, you’d get upset
I don’t know if “accident” is the right word. It was certainly a deliberate act by the intolerant, childish, low-IQ artist responsible.
Article published at noon and it took an edgelord 4 minutes to make a comment.
Until I specifically asked him why it was important to him, he’d only articulated that he didn’t “need a coat” because he “wasn’t cold.”