
I hate all this “new definition” of consent crap. Sex without consent has always been rape, it’s just that people are becoming more willing to acknowledge that now.

He’s a lying shitbag who doesn’t care about the woman at all. He just wants his Hollywood payday to continue. His talking about the rape now is because the studio wants him to help his future box office sales and “clear” up lingering things. This woman he raped is of no consequence to him at all.

Yeah, it’s like Polanski films. I am sure, as a film, the Pianist was well deserving of an Oscar, but I’m never going to find out, because all I could think about while I watched it is how the man who made it raped a young girl, got away with it, and doesn’t give a shit.

I’ve heard it’s a good movie.

Getting a girl to say yes................................

But I opened it soooo sloowwwwly so she would see it coming and say something or, I don’t know, hold it shut! SOME INDICATION A HUMAN WAS IN THERE.

Neither my sister nor I have been worthy of true respect to my father. We are part of the different and largely inferior species that is the Female. Sure, we share his DNA so maybe we’re a little more laudable, but mostly we are Other. And we are his only non-alocholic, non-drug-addicted and generally functional,

You heard it here, folks! Put the damn toilet lid down, or you hate cats.

Fair! But also, putting the lid down means that when you flush, you’re not spraying little poop-water particles into the air that settle on everything—including your toothbrush—in a fine, poopy mist. So everyone wins, really.

There is more than one A Man who has had this epiphany, so I think we’re good

“Just very lazy and not even smirk-level humorous.”

Whether it’s satire or just moronic rambling, it’s not successful as entertaining or enlightening or enjoyable writing. Just very lazy and not even smirk-level humorous.

I feel like this is at least the nineteenth one of these lame parody essays I’ve seen on this exact topic, with some variation of the same title. Why does Jezebel feel this is necessary to publish.

Yes, he is so awful. He has been making random comments about the health of various people for years without any evidence. And he had the nerve to criticize celebrities who want fame, yet Dr. Drew has always been desperate to be as famous as the people he would attack.

Why are we still pretending to listen to this man? Isn’t he essentially what Dr. Phil is to psychology and Dr. Oz is to GP? Like, sure, at one point they were real people who did real things to help people, but now they’re just cheap hacks desperate to turn as many tricks as possible to make that sweet, sweet

omg I didn’t know that was a thing.

like why don’t they have to shave their legs and armpits and pubes, why is my leg hair unhygienic and theirs isn’t, what.

Hygiene, really?! The ways in which my body is policed by men (and other complicit women) using “hygiene” as an excuse are myriad, and yet a very large chunk of those men seem unable to flush, wash dishes, or keep their crevices fresh.

This is almost every person I went to high school with.

Oh fuck me. This is the very particular brand of lower middle class white trash Ohio seems to grow like it’s the only thing our soil supports. From the hard slick back ponytails to the Midwestern mommy facebook outrager version of the “I want to talk to the manager, never mind lets beat some ass” haircut, Sams club