
It’s because Mary is gone. She’s all about that swiss roll.

absolutely! that is paul’s lion bread!

Never saw this! I would have totally eaten that cream horn.

I know the drama. I love Mary Berry. I LOVE Mel and Sue. They aren’t coming back. I am sad —- but watching this i was all

It’s me too. I’ve been doing it wrong. And! my boobs are of large enough heft to require this — i don’t know. I guess i never thought it was a problem. My biggest problem: taking a shower with a good scrub/soap then getting ready only to realize I somehow stink.

moutain dew is very real for me too.

“I know you want it to be true because you’re Jewish—and that’s adorable!”

huh. i grew up in Seattle and never heard of this icon. I’m OK going down the rabbit hole for awhile to do research.

I’m surprised he has ‘buddies’.

i can’t make fun of this. i just makes me very sad. :(

I don’t know what Dennell was expecting out of a rooster.

Terrible. I was away from home visiting my husbands family in rural western new york state on Christmas. After days of hoping pain would go away, we found ourselves in the hospital on Christmas Day. Who wants to be a the ED on Christmas? No one. This shit doctor there told me I “didn’t look like someone in pain” and

fucking gross.

I do hope that the Feds will scrutinize that sale... it seems all these turds can get away with anything these days.

well done. I snorted out loud (SOL).

I see what you did there.

I feel like this show will increase the number of stupid ass twin questions I get on the daily.

Ok. And to not sound like a total downer, I will add — you are young. I wish someone would have told me this at 26. At 26, I was focused on making more money, moving up the ladder, and having a career. BUT you have your whole life to have a career. The years go by fast. Don’t live the life you’re told to live where