
Oh. Karen. Pence.

“The only thing that is worse than that is the false accusation of sexual assault”

he’s sober.

What ‘y’all are eating for breakfast’ starts with a decision (mind) that moves to action. Actions are not determined until someone makes up their mind. If one is sounding like an asshole to make a point, they will not encourage others to change their mind (therefore no change/action can take place to change what y’all

“Y’all won’t even change what you eat for breakfast”

Totally possible.

I don’t think they could put all the terrible stuff in the trailer, because it would be very hard to sell. I think the scene that sums up the mother perfectly is eating that god damn chocolate bar while her kids are starving and then lying about it. I hope they put that in the movie.

Ted Cruz. Ugh.

he and his wife did reconcile. He’s talked about it openly about what a huge mistake he made to cheat. Not that it changes anything — yeah —- he cheated but most men (i’m looking at you Dad) don’t talk about it opening and don’t admit to making a mistake.

OR OR OR! how about no one is going to top Leonardo’s FAWKING FAKE FAKE FAKE Irish accent in Gangs of New York!!!!

BUT there are so many fake sounding accents in movies... SOOOOO MANY.

I dislike Johnny Depp. Always have. but I’m pretty excited for this. I can look past him.

awe poor whittle baby

I’ll see it when it comes to streaming. Did anyone ever see The Edge? It kind of reminds me of that mixed with Alive with a bit of Touching the Void.

oh boy. i just got some bad news from my fertility doctor....and then I see this...

Ugh. Reading those tweets tho...