Big Pete Bondurant


Not A Daniel Day-Lewis fan Huh?

There's really only one good live action Joker…

It ended perfectly though and the wheels were coming off in season 3

Watch a good show instead

I'm taking "lumpy mashed potatoes spilling out of a used condom" and passing it off as my own invention, that's just brilliant.

I loved 22 and the Last Sunday Funday but this is easily the worst season of the series.

Ugh. Terrible movie. F —

Hey, everyone who said Joe was HIV-positive?

It is a TV sitcom, not a documentary. Remember?

Shut up

It really would

You're incorrect

It's really cool that you liked the show at its Worst and haven't been down with it getting better each season. You are very cool

Cameron is just as condescending, if not worse with her 'you're not chopping up my company to ring a bell on Wall St", she's hardly a paragon of modesty


Thank you! I am sick of all the Donna-hate in this discussion, especially when Cameron whines about how it's "HER company" but doesn't take care of it like she should, i.e., just vanishing in Texas for a week and not even, say, picking up a phone. She wants the credit and the glory, but isn't willing to do the


