Big Pete Bondurant

Here is the video where they state Joe had an AIDS scare, and that he's clean but that the scare gives him new perspective - -

You guys are wrong, one of the Chris's says Joe is negative in an interview

Not Joe, he's clean. Producers confirmed it, he's negative…

Again, Joe is clean. The producers said so… explicitly. He's not HIV positive…

Joe isn't sick… The producer said he was clean in a BTS feature…

Joe is HIV Negative, the producers said so explicitly in an AMC featureette

shut up, you piece of trash

This is a relief. I only went to 3LAIR WIT3H because of Wingard—and an extremely boring day—and while it was diverting enough it was hardly up to the calibre of his previous work. So, if this was his paycheck movie, that's fine, so long as it allows him to return to weirdness in DEATH NOTE and whatever follows it

In a BTS segment the producer SAYS EXPLICITLY that Joe had a scare but is CLEAN. Not their fault if you are too dumb to need it spoofed to you!!!

I loved this episode and it's probably the best of the series so far, but goddamn is Cameron obnoxious. I understand she's a stunted woman-child, but her refusal to grow up AT ALL in either her professional or personal lives—refusing to allow in credit card companies because it 'lowers the draw bridge', letting the

Jeez, come on guys, use your brains!

come on, use a brain, here


I am really excited for where this season goes. I personally love the cliffhanger of Gretchen having the info of Jimmy's dad's demise, but not telling him (yet). Can't wait t o see what happens next.

No. Wrong again!

You need to hear it delivered, reading it just isn't the same. Believe.

"At the end, Joe hikes off toward a distant observatory, where presumably his absent mother works."

I quit last week, and checked in on this week's review to see if I made the right decision. I did indeed make the right decision.


It really would have been better if they'd shaken things up this year and made S2 about the "Bachelorette" season of Everlasting. And kept Chet GONE