Big Pete Bondurant

Yes, it's a positive review, but that sentence makes Eakin sound like a moron who doesn't know what she's doing.

This sentence: "Sleater-Kinney never really was much for making albums that sounded radically different from its other work", is just wrong and totally inaccurate.

INHERENT VICE should not be on this list. It is awful.

Obviously I'm late to the party, but including IT'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY is bullshit since it is a short film. Give it a special shout out or something, but this is a list for features, not a list for features and whatever shorts we want to include to seem cool.

Obviously I'm late to the party, but including IT'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY is bullshit since it is a short film. Give it a special shout out or something, but this is a list for features, not a list for features and whatever shorts we want to include to seem cool.

This review expertly nails all the problems with his mediocre movie.

This show is terrible.

Augh, no way, BIG NOWHERE is so bad. Aside from Meeks, the leads are totally boring, and all the Red stuff is dull as dishwater.


Where can I find this article?

Hope Frank Vincent shows up and complains!

David Simon does not have the style needed to bring the full insanity fever-dream style of Underworld USA to life; I don't think he could do me, Boyd, WJL and our fight against Jack the K justice. You need someone with style to BURN


I agree, and for all her hard work, determination and relentlessness, I think Molly earned putting the bracelets on Lester herself. It just feels like a big anticlimax for the glove parable to be their final confrontation.

I think Todd is being a little harsh on this episode, because while I was initially disappointed that Molly and Malvo never faced off—never even MET, for God's sake—after a moment, I was satisfied with Gus taking him out. There's a certain symmetry that's satisfying in Gus, who let Malvo go because he was scared, and

I seriously wonder if management forces a certain grading curve for GoT since this is another review that gives qualified praise, weighing both the pros and cons of an episode carefully, but still has a stellar grade attached to it. Honestly, this reads more like a B+ than an A-.

"And if you’re wondering why I sound panicky, it’s because sometimes it feels like there is no ending to this story—just a long, neverending “and then…”

Is this show graded on a curve? Because this is a deeply ambivalent review that points out many of the flaws with both the series and this episode, and yet the grade is an A- when the review reads like a B or even a B-?

This movie is garbage.

This movie is garbage.