Bagna the Irate Supervillain

Master Chief does have a track record of being easily manipulated into helping wipe out all life in the galaxy.

I also really liked the shots of them behind the curtain immediately before their entrances. That and the relatively low-key entrances really helped convey the idea that they were about to go through a grueling physical ordeal.

Bo Dallas is by far my favorite NXT champion, but it was because of his character work and story arc rather than his actual wrestling. Like his brother he's really good at staying in-character while he wrestles, which is kind of an under-appreciated talent. I do think that he consistently gets good reactions

I love Bo Dallas a whole lot, but I think the fundamental difference between Tyler Breeze and Bo Dallas is that Tyler is good at wrestling.

The callback to Sasha taunting Bayley in the corner until Bayley gets pissed and kicks her with Sasha catching Bayley's foot this time was a little moment that I liked a lot. It was just one of the many really neat callbacks and references to the two of them knowing each other really well that helped make the match

Once it was revealed that Dustin and Cody Rhodes would be presenting the trophy out-of-character, I figured that shenanigans like that weren't going to be happening.

Grave Consequences is right here on youtube if you want to watch it immediately. Grave Consequences is still my personal favorite match of the show, but All Night Long is right up there. There have been several matches that I think are perfectly legitimate choices for best LU match.

What do you mean when you say that they didn't have access to the money? I'm not sure if you're debating whether What Pumpkin hired them to make a game, but that's a pretty well established fact.

The part of it that is clearly true is that TOG and What Pumpkin (the Homestuck company) entered into an agreement to make a videogame together and that eight months later What Pumpkin announced that they were no longer working with TOG and would be founding their own videogame studio instead.

I'm all about Naoki Urasawa. Pluto, Monster, 20th Century Boys, and probably a bunch of his other stuff is great. It really doesn't resemble what most people think of as manga-esque though, so it might not be what you're looking for.

Yeah, it does kind of feel like the bottom is about to fall out of the main event scene. Weird transition phases are pretty much part and parcel of a developmental division though. The constantly fluctuating status quo is a big part of the reason I was able to get into NXT in the first place, so I'm pretty excited

It was pretty remarkable seeing an episode with three tag team matches that were all interesting and entertaining in different ways. NXT's tag division has historically been its weakest part, so this feels like some impressive progress in that regard.

NXT has always had its lean periods (like when The Ascension was the entire tag team division), but I think the women's division will be okay. Bayley and Emma are great and could easily be the foundation of the division. The two new indie women are being used as enhancement talent at the moment, but they seem good

I like how his feud with TCH Cage played on that. Cage got all these opportunities by being this hugely aggressive jerk, but then he runs afoul of this quiet unassuming guy who can secretly do all the same stuff just as well. It wasn't a big feud or anything, but it was fun while it lasted.

If you want spoilers, then here it is on WWE's official twitter account. They're not exactly being quiet about it or keeping it secret, so I figure it's okay to link. Just don't click that unless you want to be spoiled.

Chikara is joining the Wednesday Night Wars! I'm not entirely sure what the deal with their new show is, but I'm excited because Chikara is great.

Honestly, probably still the U.S. Championship. After WrestleMania Cena was having great open challenges while Bryan was mostly part of Sheamus' storyline about hating short people or whatever. Even if Bryan was still around it feels like the WWE's apparent disregard for the IC would have made it kind of albatross

I haven't been watching long, but Barret's title reign made it seem like the WWE considers the IC belt a piece of garbage these days. I don't know when the U.S. Championship started to seem more prestigious than the Intercontinental Championship, but my impression of the IC being worthless definitely predates John

What do you mean when you say that they'll always give preference to the IC belt? These days the US Championship seems about a billion times more prestigious than the Intercontinental Championship.