
I assume they've done rookie hazing already. I only hope they had this info. I bet it was spectacular.

Get well soon, Lemur.

You’re probably right. I’m sure the things Jason Babin said they yelled about players’ wives and kids were true.

Depends on where they were sitting too. Back far in the cheap seats, maybe. But this looked like box seats, the front row. Even if it wasn't a beer, it be worried about other things that could hit the kid.

Incidentally, I now live in Boston but spent most of my life (more than 45 years) growing up in Chicago. I’ve lived or spent significant time on all sides of town and lived in Edgewater when I moved out. My hangout bar was the GMan smack dab middle of Wrigleyville. As one of the regulars, we never got into that

Fuck that bandwagon jumping ass.

As a Sox fan, I’m pissed at fellow Sox fans who actively root against the Cubs. It’s childish, looks stupid and gets us as a team nowhere. I admit I’m not glued to the screen and cheering and slapping a Cubs cap on my head.*I periodically check the scores and read the reaction of Vub fan friends on Facebiok. But if

Huh... And all this time I thought it was “HOOK ‘em, Horns.”

If also like to see them ranked with population totals. Boston is a small city but it's traffic jams rank up there with the big boys.

This is Boston in a nutshell. Someone recently made the point that in Boston you don’t give estimated distances in miles, you give it in the time it takes to get there because as you said, a mile can be an hour trip.

Someone at my bar hangout once gave me a huge complete wheel of Jarlsberg cheese. One night I ate some of it. A lot of it. The next morning, the desire and need to take a dump could not be completed successfully and in a reasonable amount of time. Basically I had blocked myself up wth all that Jarlsberg. I spent most

Belchick: “If anybody needs me, I’ll be checking out SnapFace.”

Jay Cutler, Jimmy Clausen, Jesus Christ. Yeah I can see how all those JC’s can be confusing.

WHew! Just in time to thwart the upcoming water-barons...