
Sad part is, we already knew this (not the specifics obviously, but the idea that Trump avoids paying taxes was basically admitted to us by him) and its like it doesn’t even matter. I would’ve never guessed that anyone running for office could so shamelessly get away w/o paying taxes, but here we are.

But Mr. Trump’s audacious tax-avoidance

“Is there another section where they keep the footmen. Take me to the footmen section of this food repository...”

I mean, how much could a banana cost?

“Paper or plastic, mum?”

She looks like how my dog looks when I try to show him a funny video about another dog.

“Give me two cartons of KOOLS a People Magazine and three boxes of jimmy hats.”

He might not litigate.

I want to hear the excuses. We all know they’ll be ridiculous, but I just want to hear his campaign try and convince voters that all of these women are liars, they’re all looking for money, they’re all ugly, etc.
The more women who come forward plus the weasley excuses just make him look so much more pathetic.

Eternal BERN is just Tomato Face. There is no reason to argue with him.

The lack of HDMI is a dealbreaker for me. I guess I’ll be using my 2012 macbook for a while longer.

The lack of HDMI is a dealbreaker for me. I guess I’ll be using my 2012 macbook for a while longer.

You dipshit. You got caught with your pants around your ankles.

That Wikipedia is also an amazing thing. I had no idea who this woman was before this asshole who lies about his own military background insulted her. However, now I know SHE LOST BOTH OF HER LEGS SERVING IN IRAQ.

You know, I went and looked it up!

Guys, Trump is an aberration and doesn’t represent the values of the Republican Party.

But seriously - if you have an opportunity to insult a decorated war veteran you have to take it, right?

This is a Deadspin Video, in which strange sports moments are slowed down to ridiculous speeds and matched with indie music. This video features “Look Around” by Beat Happening. See previous episodes here. A Spotify playlist of every song used in Deadspin Videos can be accessed here.

TL;DR: “Why won’t you people just let me be an asshole without calling me on it?”

He isn’t trying to play to black voters. He is pretending to play to black voters so white voters that he has horrified with his open racism will give him a second chance - “oh look, maybe Donald isn’t a raging racist asshole after all, I guess I can vote for him without having a guilty conscience.”

You guys, he’s just giving everyone the countdown to his massive coronary. Clear!