
Why is his wife dressed as an emoji?

I think this looks pretty bad for him, and not something he can spin into typical Trump bullshit.

Sic Semper Cutler!

I find Liza Snyder hot AF.

That’s how I discovered King of Queens and now I owned the complete series!*

As one of the fans of the fan of King of Queens, this new show needs more Arthur.

We also would have accepted John Wilkes Booth.

Did he kill a baby while not paying taxes? Because that’s probably the only thing that would hurt him.

“Yes, but how does the food get to the table? I mean, I SEE the food and other items right here, but how does it get to where it is in the front of you. Where are the silver trays, the goblets...? Is there another section where they keep the footmen. Take me to the footmen section of this food repository...”

Dong tipped. Heh.

Oh, I KNOW he won’t litigate. Threatening to sue is his big play. He thinks it makes him look powerful and he hopes people will forget he threatened to sue. There’s a list somewhere of all the people he threatened to sue and hasn’t gone through.

Keep it coming. I want his post election days to be a living hell of one sexual assault trial after another. I also want to see how many of these women he actually sues.*

Insert Facebook shocked emoji here...

My first (Obligatory Donald Trump reference) comment of the day!

Who are the (as of now) 13 fellow morons who starred this and have any of them come back to accept their ass-whipping for being stupid?

“I’m sick and tired of people like you using language that’s inflammatory and not true.”

Well, I can’t argue with that.

The Blackhawk logo is different because it represents exactly ONE guy - Chief Blackhawk. And to be even more precise, the hockey team took the name from an army unit that was named after the same ONE GUY.

Even the sign above his head is trying to tell him something.

Now playing

Angie Baby by Helen Reddy. Ok, not that creepy but a song about a mysterious girl who captures her lovers in her radio. Or something like that.