
I remember when he ran for president n 1988 and essentially got knocked out because he allegedly plagiarized part of a speech (Yeah, I know, it was a simpler time...). He didn’t come across back then as a particularly charismatic guy and I didn’t think I’d see that guy again.

No to mention that the rest of the Philippine government is disavowing Duarte’s words and want to make sure trade with the U.S. stays open. But sure, Donald, jump on that thin rope.

And let all the women he’s groped get their piece of that asshole. He should wish he’d never decided to run for office. His ego will be the death of him.

I want every issue that was brought up against him - Trump U, the Trump Foundation, the DA bribes, everything - to continue to move forward. I’m sure he things once this is over he can just be the colorful “billionaire” with a cool catchphrase and all that, but fuck that. Go directly to jail, do not pass go.

Vague resemblance??? Babu looks NOTHING like the Soup Nazi! (pictured)

“I don’t understand. All the people on my payroll laughed their heads off at those jokes...”

How about “Pussy Grabbin’ with Billy Bush.”

I split the difference... a Hillary/Biden ticket. Let Joe be the attack dog for every Dem candidate for president as long as he wants to.

I don’t doubt that. I just get the impression that when she’s on stage or on camera she wants to be ultra prepared. Not a bad thing, but ... it seems to show.

So you’re saying I should be her new speech writer. Got it.

And do it in that stilted, strange teleprompter reading voice of his where it sounds like he’s just saying individual words that his mind only occasionally is able to link together.

I’m gonna assume they both do. Neither one comes off as off-the-cuff witty.

Just got a news alert that Donald Trump will accept the results of the election... if he wins.

Ugh. I bet his hand smells like hydrogen peroxide and Donald Trump’s ass.

So who’s going to throw who under the bus first?: Trump, in trying to blame others for his loss, including his “horrible campaign manager”, or Conway in her tell-all book about the “most horrible candidate for political office I’ve ever worked for.”

Yup. I can’t wait for the movie starring John McGinley and Reese Witherspoon (channeling Tracy Flick)

That but even before that too, during the primary. There was something in a plane hangar where they had a camera focused on the empty stage for at least 30 minutes