LOL. Nice.
LOL. Nice.
This is like one of those rhyming riddles...
Yeah, I expect her to be a regular go to talking head on CNN. The like those extreme viewpoint folks despite the fact they lie and say nothing of value.
Yeah, they got a LOT of shit during the primary for focusing so much on Trump: camera pointed at nothing while they waited for Trump to get off a plane or come into a room. I can almost pinpoint the pivot to starting to actually challenge Trump and his folks on their bullshit.
While Hillary was once giving a primary speech, CNN kept its cameras trained on an empty stage awaiting Trump to enter.
In other news, Drake LaRoche called the White Sox to say, “HA!”
I used to think he’d be forced to concede if it’s a landslide. But now I don’t think he’s even going to do that. He’s going to whine and bitch and moan no matter what happens. He is incapable of not being a big fucking 70 year old baby.
Haven’t tried the upside down trick but will give it a shot. Also we bought )) flour and make our own dough which turns out pretty good. I gotta get my yeast game perfected but so far, so good.
Haven’t tried the upside down trick but will give it a shot. Also we bought )) flour and make our own dough which…
This. We had a pizza stone that apparently couldn’t take the heat and cracked. We now use a big cast iron skillet that works beautifully. I want to get a larger baking steel but the skillet is working great for now.
This. We had a pizza stone that apparently couldn’t take the heat and cracked. We now use a big cast iron skillet…
Nah, I was being a little silly. I’m Fan of Canada. Even though I lived in Chicago I dated a person who lived in Edmonton and then Toronto, and even before that I’ve been to Toronto a bunch of times. I’d move there if I could. I’ve had a lot of great beers in a lot of great bars. And a lot of great food (Wurst…
Your life is better off without that asshole in your life, despite the long history. Sorry it had to happen like that. My wife had to defriend her brother on FB over this stuff and if she could go another day without seeing him I’m sure she’d be happy with that. She wanted me to go on and set him straight (her brother…
I see you getting dumped on here so I gotta add... I get you. Sort of. I’m a Sox fan and have been one for more than 40 years (Confession: I was a Cubs fan briefly when I was a kid but they did something to piss me off when I wa about 10 so I said fuck ‘em).. I used to live a few blocks away from the old ballpark,…
Budweiser doesn’t pretend to be an IPA when it’s not. Budweiser just calls itself beer.
I’m going to assume you’re Jewish but even then, wearing that hat would require stopping to explain it every three blocks.
From my personal viewpoint, that leprechaun guy (and the one for Notre Dame) is a fictional being. It doesn’t exist in real life, unlike a Native American. It’s like the St. Louis University Billiken. If actual leprechauns want to protest, I’ll join ‘em in protesting it. But I suspect that’s not going to happen.
And don’t get me started on Alexander Keith’s ... ahem ... IPA. That alone should get them kicked out of the UN
Same here. Just gotta home they’re smart enough to figure out a solution.
If it’s any consolation, my SO had to defriend her own brother on FB for his rude comments on this, one of which he made to an elderly teacher whom they both know from their small hometown.