
Gary Johnson has somehow, in the span of about 10 seconds, stolen the crown of leading bullshit artist right off of the Republican nominee’s head.

A more plausible explanation is that she’s the sort of asshole writer that gets involved with people who she thinks would make a good story she can sell.

This isn’t a regular news broadcast, it’s a special social-media focused feature show where that sort of casual irreverence is encouraged. Here’s a story on it. Note the photo.

The point that a lot of people and this CJ person is missing is that her clothing and her look is an intended goal of the TV station. The news format at the station was rejiggered to be “hip” and different, pulling in social media, etc. In fact, it’s not a regular news show but a special social-media show called

“Play from strength or get crushed every time.” I don’t know the worse part of that line: the Wall Street corniness or the fact it was sung by little girls.

Anyone who heard that song should be offered some sort of compensation as well.

You’re right, but things like this could be settled with an office stylebook. Many news outlets have, in addition to guides like the AP Stylebook, their own in-house style book for things like this. There were a lot of contradictory grammar styles here at Gaw... I mean this website like address formats, the way titles

And you must be one of the assholes who think THEY’RE who everybody came to hear.

He’s hoping they avoid those two-and-outs and run 110 yards to glory!

OK, fine, I’ll watch it! Now what channel is Decades?...

Way to take it to 10 for no reason. I said no one paid to hear a hecker, not that they should be thrown in prison. But nice strawman.

I’ve recently started doing a few stand up routines (open mic shit and one show where I was invited). It’s brought me in contact with a lot of comedians here in my city. Most of them handle hecklers really well. But the thing is, most (all?) of the audience doesn’t want to hear their shit either and don’t think

“Eh, I was only interested in hearing one joke anyway... I’m out.”

Doesn’t matter what she said on stage. They paid to hear her, not him. That’s the only context that matters.

Tip to “hecklers”: You will never win with a comedian. Never. They have the mic, you don’t. They can outshout you, out-funny you (“You can say “show us your tits” to the people in the parking log” is sweet) and, finally, have you thrown out. And “show us your tits”? That line isn’t even funny at a strip club. And

How likely is it that Trump will claim he’s never met Ailes?

“One of them came back down after a meeting, and the makeup on her nose and chin was gone.”

He shouldn’t win, but I learned not to underestimate the laziness of people when it comes to elections. The most extreme people flock to the polls and the “reasonable” ones think there are enough people to take care of the job so they don’t have to vote. Some will think, “Nah, he’s too extreme to win. People won’t let

When the president of Mexico’s English is better than yours...

I listened to this album nearly every day for about three months after it came out. Nice pick.