
Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing in slightly different way. In fact I remember one woman who was built slight like Brie who dislocated her elbow in a match and they kept showing the replay over and over because I guess they didn’t have anything else noteworthy happen in their matches.

And this...

I wonder if there’s any degree of shame/buyer’s remorse when the person who buys these shoes is standing on the street waiting to cross and a homeless person walks up with shoes that are in similar condition.

She’s cuntacular. She broke the land-speed cunt record. If she were a lemonade, she’d be Cuntrytime. When she plays hide and go seek, she has to cunt to 20.

Dang. Should have read first. Welp, time to go delete my post...

REDACTED. See Fred Garvin Male Prostitute’s post below.

ABC News reports that during the first half of the town hall, Trump suggested that he would consider “softening” his stance on immigration.

Which Gawker writer will be flipping burgers in two weeks? C’mon, now, be honest.

For me, it’s this asshole... Not Van Jones, of course but Jeffery Lord-Have-Mercy. What an asshole. Jones’ expression sums it up nicely.

Yeah, I guess you’re right. Sand between your fingers, no big deal...

Ryan Lochte: They’re not fucking.

I bet it hurt your fingers writing that one.

Donald hires people who are unqualified to work at that level

FYI do not read comments on youtube.

Do people who come up with this stuff have a bypass switch for their stopping thing?


We just watched the end of Titanic in the offices

Yeah, they are kind of annoying. The upside: they hardly ever talk about what they can do. The downside: you have to watch as they pass you by during a race or bench press a billion pounds.