
His TWO unnecessarily lengthy responses in no way at all contribute to the perception that he is an obsessive weirdo.

Yeah, you’re right. Like I said, give me an ice cold Miller High Life (not Miller Lite, fuck that noise) on a hot day after working out or running or any other strenuous activity and I’ll guzzle three before I know what happened.

Same here. Not gonna lie, I lean more toward “craft” beer (sorry I hate that name but that’s shorthand), but fuck yeah I’ll drink a Miller High Life (especially ice cold on a hot day) or a Coors or even a Bud in a second. But fruit beer? That shit can fuck right off.

Yeah, but Pipeworks has actual lime (and lime zest) in it. Bud Light Lime makes a point of saying it has “lime flavoring,” which is, well, not real lime.

Don’t sell yourself short. I had a “garbage” palate too but started to appreciate other beers. I still enjoy a Miller High Life or a Coors every now and then. You don’t have to become a “beer snob.”

Not everyone can afford (or enjoys, for that matter) drinking bitter, weed-tasting IPAs, which is why the cheap shit will always dominate the market.

Well, I wish you would speak to the folks who got freaked the fuck out because Spiderman MIGHT be a black guy, many of whom were comic/anime fans.

Christie—who was seen as Trump’s major opponent early on in the primaries—has purportedly received and started the paperwork for the vetting process,

As a Chicagoan as well, fuck that motherfucker. Let them rip him to shreds. Even though ‘85 was the shining light in an otherwise shitty life as a Bears fan, he was barely tolerable on the field and not tolerable at all off. His days of being “Da Coach” are over.

Please let Mike give a speech...PLEASE GOD!!!

His campaign has pulled enough strings to net a convicted rapist, a clueless CEO, and two pricks.

I’m confused. Shouldn’t that read “... show little class...” if he means not wearing a shirt is classless?

In related news, Cameron Frye is going to take the day off.

And their desire to create the “perfect” experience, with well regulated behavior by employees.

Yeah, I wanted to come up with some wordplay too but... fuck, after alligators and gorillas and shit.. these folks are goddamn lucky they left with all limbs intact.

Now playing

This brings to mind the time the Bulls played the Heat in Miami and the camera’s caught the son of the Bulls’ Carlos Boozer in the stands...

I knew this story sounded familiar...

No, actually it already WAS...

It’s Ali. I’d be surprised if it DIDN’T break out.

I was watching. They gave him the hook at the end, but he hit every point. The “next president... she” line was an early mic drop.