Mike North is the Donald Trump of sports commentators in that he thinks saying something outrageous enough to get repeated by (other) media outlets represents success, no matter what stupid thing he’s said.
Mike North is the Donald Trump of sports commentators in that he thinks saying something outrageous enough to get repeated by (other) media outlets represents success, no matter what stupid thing he’s said.
I get the feeling it’s intention “clickbait”. It’s just short of “...and you won’t believe what happens next!!” I mean, “more of an actual turn on than most”? How many has she seen?
Remind me again how many words we have in the English language? Because if it’s more than 12 I think we can probably find one that has nothing to do with Native Americans.
Phillies Pitchers Burning ‘Cross the National League
AHHHHHHH!!! I think I get it now. Thanks.
One part of me wants to make fun of you for still calling it “Comiskey.” The other part of me still also calls it “Comiskey” too.
OK, so when he says “I’d never call you the Becky word” he’s saying he’d never call her white ... even though she is? I guess I’m still confused. But thanks.
OK, fuck it, I’m admitting my ignorance. I’ve been hearing this “Becky” shit for the past few days since that Beyonce video came out. What the fuck does it mean?
Didn’t know that. Thanks. I don’t use Snapchat and only use the filer on my phone. But why would someone do that on a dating site that make you look a bit daft?
Another tip: When their profile pic has glasses that appear to be floating in the space in front of their face. Seriously, what’s up with that top photo?
Yeah, that sucks considerably. You can’t even work that shit into a conversation.
Late response: I remember when the video came out and that little cough/choke thing he does at the beginning was the subject of much analysis. Was it intentional? Was it a weird joke? What was it???
A late “bravo” on your comment from me. Not only is this an asshole move but this dick came on here with his little “Hints from Heloise” trick thinking it’s a great move, basically encouraging everybody to pull this dickhead trick to get what’s not theirs. Now we’ve potentially got 5 or 6 MORE people on a flight…
a D.J. at Knockouts Gentlemen’s Club
Love in An Elevator? Sweet Emotion? Back in the Saddle? ANYTHING by Aerosmith?
I’ve never heard locker room talk like that.
Her SO caught her Googling something similar when they were making out.
Yeah, that picture is definitely meme-worthy. Has anyone done a “Crying Jordan” with that thing yet?
I have my lame theory too..
I’m glad I read before posting because I was going to post just this. The problem isn’t that she has her own opinions, it’s that she thinks the way someone else lives their life is something that someone can “agree” with. A life isn’t an opinion, a life is a life. At best she can say that it’s not for her or that she…