
Rip being a terrible leader makes sense though. His job was a solo position (to the point where you weren't allowed to marry) and this was the first time he was really leading any sort of group. And they were basically just pawns to him anyway. The only reason anyone listened to him was because he owned the ship and

Felicity is Jewish. And they stuck her (and others) in a gas chamber on Hanukkah last year. But that's neither here nor there.

I just want a scene where Sara finds out her ex-girlfriend and ex-boyfriend were married to each other (did they ever get divorced?).

I'm pretty sure Felicity still owns shares in the company, and someone pointed out that she probably got a golden parachute when she was fired, so that's been my head canon for how she gets the money. What's funny is that Barry owns STAR Labs, so technically he's the one responsible for the bills/paychecks. Maybe Evil

No, I'm not that talented. I was browsing fan vids one day and this just popped up. I can't unsee the comparison now.

Haven't seen this mentioned yet, and it might be crazy, but what if Caitlin's powers weren't caused by Flashpoint? She said she discovered her powers a few months ago, but kept them hidden. Theoretically, she could have started to get powers in the original timeline (before Barry made changes) and just not told

To be fair, it was Kara talking about boys while Alex listened. It'd be funny if now Alex started talking about her girl problems and Kara has to sit there and think "Is this what I sound like?"

It's because these shows are based in stories that were created decades ago. Back then you needed a reporter to be the feet on the ground and get inside information. Now with technology that position isn't needed. I don't think that means they should turn everyone into a superhero, but the writers need to get creative

So maybe Cisco's vision was a team building exercise.

He's probably putting most of his effort into hiding his accent. Jax on LoT has the same problem (I think he's gotten a little better though). They concentrate so hard on getting the American accent right that they forget to emote.

I really wish Flashpoint had made Iris a cop. I know we already have Joe, but Earth-2 cop Iris was awesome and I wish we could have a little bit of that on Earth-1.

They had that with Captain Cold and Heatwave. Not sure why we haven't found other villains like that.

Did anyone ever tell her that the billionaire playboy she had a crush on is a bow wielding vigilante? And does Barry know that Oliver was her "pass" when she was with Eddie?

I wish we could get a live action Nightwing.

I'm not putting Caitlin in the good column yet. She didn't look so stable at the end of the last episode (I reserve the right to change my mind after tonight's episode). And I was only talking about characters affected by Earth-1's particle accelerator explosion (assuming this is how Caitlin got her powers in this

So was David Harewood (Martian Manhunter). Last year Kara and Alex talked about watching Homeland. I couldn't help but think season one must have blown their minds.

Crack theory: Mon-El isn't actually a palace guard, he was the prince. Mon-El is a fake name he's using to pass as a nobody, but when it comes out he's really the prince of Daxam he'll reveal that his real name is Lar Gand.

It was nice to see a middle ground. I've always found it weird on The Flash how all the metahumans except for Barry and Cisco are evil. No one has tried to use their powers to become rich and famous without committing a crime?

Upvoted for the Animorphs reference. So this fight was basically Kara vs Visser Three.