
I feel like it’d be Danny as Rose, Luke as Blanche, Matt as Dorthy and Jessica as Sophia.

She did. Then she divorced him and started dating Chris.

What did he say that got everyone so mad?

For everyone that keeps asking about Liz's family, Liz made up with her brother in a deleted scene in season 2. A description of the scene:

Don't forget Passions! I loved him on that terrible show.

That sounds more like The Flash.

Let's just have all the iZombie actors show up on Supergirl.

Supergirl isn't on ABC. And the ratings for LMS might be high, but not high enough to justify the fact that the actors would be up for new contracts & would probably ask for raises. ABC would gain nothing from keeping the show going because they don't own the show & won't get revenue from the show in syndication.

That still bothers me. It was a good scene but why is an episode of LoT ending on a scene of Barry & Oliver bonding?

I thought it was a subtle shoutout to season 6? The guy who designed the cake is a popular artist (he designed awesome lunch boxes for the producers) and that's what the joke made me think of. Also this picture:…

Is it possible to get a divorce in a LoA marriage? If so I feel like the rules are that the only one who can grant divorce is Ra's and right now that's Nyssa so Oliver is stuck.

This would be funny if they weren't firing Ginnifer Goodwin.

Well if you think of Hook of his step-grandpa (since he dated Henry's grandmother) he'd have three (Charming, Rumple and Hook).

Don't quote me on this, but I think if you can get emancipated you might be able to get full employment. Other than that the assumption is that your parent/guardian will take care of some of your needs so you don't need a full time job.
And full time work in TV/movies are much longer shifts and crazier hours than a

Part of it is child labor laws. Kids under 18 can only work limited hours. If the show is about high school students they just cast actors 18-25 years old who look young so the don't have to worry about the hours the actors can work.

This episode I kept expecting them to pull an Arrow season 2- main villain knocks on the door, reveals the hero's secret identity to their friend & then walks away.

I've always assumed that we just don't meet the good ones. Barry wouldn't really interact with a metahuman who was a law abiding citizen.

That's what Supergirl is for.