
Hey, hold on now. Next season Arrow will have two black guys, and unlike The Flash they won't be related.

He's a main character in a pilot for next season. Hasn't been picked up yet so I guess there's still hope.

I know the first few lines, and yeah it's pretty corny but I love it.

Yes, but I think what Hunter B meant is that Earth 2 Laurel will come back to Earth 1 and join the Arrow cast in season 5 (like Harrison Wells this season on The Flash). It means the EPs keep their promise of having Laurel's death be a real death, but they still get to keep Katie Cassidy. Sort of like Illyria on Angel.

The show is doing well and just got a second season, so that probably wouldn't happen for a while. But I love Dr. Tommy so I'm willing to wait it out.

Noooo, I haven't gotten to see it yet. :(

But isn't half the point of their mission to save Rip's family from dying? Seems a bit hypocritical for him to drag a group of strangers through time and space to stop his family from dying but then not allow Sara to save her sister.

He's a doctor now, maybe he could have helped.

Well as a Villanova fan who didn't actually go to Nova, I have no problem piling on.

True. Then maybe it's a good thing they didn't get together.

And what's strange is that none are even complaining about Sara's death.

I was hoping Zelena would say yes to Hades. I'd love to see an evil power couple.

I was amused when Regina referred to the Charming's place as "our apartment". Is everyone staying there? Getting back home so I could sleep in my own house in my own bed would be enough motivation to fight Hades and go home.

Shows set in NYC but filmed in LA can't even bother to get things right. It's not surprising they don't go the extra mile for something set outside the USA.

Big Belly Burger.

He's done that before. Can't remember what episode but he sped by a guy selling flowers. One second the guy was holding flowers, the next the flowers were gone and he was holding money.

Supergirl too.

Why do people reply to jenna? Every time her name shows up in a comment thread you know it's going to be a comment about how terrible the episode/show is (even though she hasn't watched it) and if you try and respond she'll berate you for attacking stalking her. It happens every week on multiple DCTV threads and I

I actually yelled at the screen "Where's the salmon ladder?" So disappointed.

On this show they are.