
3. To be fair, we've repeatedly seen Kara fly into her apartment while wearing her Supergirl outfit. If her neighbors haven't figured out she's Supergirl already, they never will. And it's not a leap in logic to assume DEO agents came into the apartment dressed like EMTs, they covered her with a sheet, and took her up

He was also Chris Pratt's dad too, which basically emphasizes your point.

That's what Cisco is for.

The upside of Supergirl being on CBS is that they shoot in LA. Having Flash/Arrow/LoT share sets is bad enough I don't think I could handle a fourth show squeezing in there.

I don't read comics, but is that really such a crazy idea? Seems pretty genre savvy. And didn't the Flash fight a meta who could shapeshift into people last season?

Not sure why, but something about Nyssa reminded me of Agent Carter last night and now I want to see the two of them kicking ass together.

Does this mean there'll be a UK: Fire, UK: PD etc?

To be fair when the networks do take chances nobody watches. Why take a chance when audience numbers show they enjoy different versions of the same thing?

To be fair, Laurel becoming a fighter was a given considering her name. And the show is on the CW. There's no way they'd be able to avoid soap operaish plots. I'm just glad they dropped the love triangle stuff they had going on the first year.

Could be a money thing. She's probably worth a lot now (rumor is that's why they cancelled her CBS show). Maybe the Netflix can't afford it?

Wait, unless I missed something, Felicity is still paralyzed. She's just a little less depressed about it now.

Damn, now I want an episode where goth Felicity becomes corporeal and Team Arrow is forced to put up with her because they need her hacking skills (along with the current Felicity).

Well, these are the people who knew one of their operative's eyes was stolen, and didn't bother to take his information out of the system. I'm not surprised that the number is the same.

Having sex with Iris doesn't seem like a terrible punishment.

I need to know if these are their real names, or just nicknames. I don't know how Antonio delivered the line "Jellybean is dead" with a straight face.

But you're suppose to wear your engagement ring on your left hand. I wasn't looking closely but if Felicity was wearing the engagement ring it would be visible on her left hand.

Ok, I missed that.

Of course he was hot, everyone on TV is. If he was ugly that would have been weird. And it makes sense he was former military because it explains where he got his education. It's better than saying he somehow went from picking oranges to attending UCLA. And I thought his job was just to work on the container for the

The city does have a jail though. Earlier this season Joe mentioned that Iron Heights now has a metahuman wing. So there's no reason to keep prisoners in the pipeline anymore.

Dick Wolf regularly casts former CW/WB stars as leads in his Chicago shows. Guess Charisma Carpenter will be the pick for Chicago Law.