
You really could just pick up from the start of this season. The only thing in the second half of season four that is affecting storylines now is the Zelena/Robin clusterfuck.

Isn't the fact that Rumple and Nimue are still talking to her a sign that Emma's not complete dark? There was a line in this episode that when the Dark One has fully embraced the darkness that little voice in your head should go away. It hasn't gone away for Emma yet.

Roland is there too. Because bringing him along makes more sense than leaving him with the Merry Men.

What's happened to Snow? Charming has always just been the pretty one, but in season one Bandit Snow was awesome in the flashbacks and in early season two it seemed like we'd see more of that after the curse broke (she took on Mulan ffs). Now she's getting overpowered by a pregnant, powerless Zelena. What the hell

Personally, I'm also still here because of the beautiful clothes and the pretty people.

I know they didn't know, but their actions resulted in Emma ending up alone and pregnant. I've always been wondered if Neal would have still left if he knew about the baby.

Thought it was interesting that they brought up Neal right after Emma mentions being pregnant in jail since it was his (and August's) fault it even happened.

I thought I was seeing things. So it did happen?

Upvoted for the visual of mini Ray falling out of the sky and hitting Dahrk on the head.

But the dark stuff around their eyes is part of their identity concealment. Laurel's lipstick is a fashion choice and totally unnecessary.


Assuming the show does well and gets more seasons they'll probably redo the outfit and add an 'S' with more yellow in the background. Arrow and The Flash have all had costume changes each season. I can see them doing the same thing here.

Unfortunetly the answer would probably always be no. It was never like this in past seasons. Frozen started this terrible trend. I don't understand it.

A few episodes ago Arthur mentioned capturing an eternal flame from 'the burning bush'. That sounds like the Biblical world exists as a realm in this one. Still hope they don't go there.

I meant in the show, since they're race bending everything, like how they did FF. You're right, people would be irrationally pissed off, but at least the change would be used as part of the show instead of 'just because'.

Interracial this time so we can have wacky misunderstandings about how this black guy has a white (step)sister.

Haven't seen this episode yet (kind of lost interest a few episodes ago), but is Phoebe Claire from Degrassi: TNG?

I'm assuming your lack of pop culture knowledge is why you don't know that January Jones plays Betty Draper?

You don't have to be an Indy fan to hate the Patriots.

Still not much different than British shows. A season of Sherlock is three 90 minute episodes.