
What about the teams that win their league and have to travel to the Wild Card game winner for the first 2 games of a best-of-5 series. I thought normally the best teams in each league would be given some sort of advantage.

While I agree that there should be more equality among who is hired as directors, etc

I think you are trying to close the barn doors after the cows have already escaped, at least when it comes to public perception . . ,

I thought it was less the accessibility of the lines than (at least with my family member) the need to transfer from the chair to the ride and such. Also, I thought it was perhaps the amusement parks "charity" towards the disabled. But once again, I'm basing this over 20+ year old memories and the thoughts of a 7

When I was too young to really understand better, skipping lines was the best benefit of having a family member that needed a chair. I'd like to think I've matured since I was 7 though . . . at least on that account.

I think the everyone (including Baker) is missing the most interesting part of the article:

Bachmann was all clamoring about this several years ago. I was in AmeriCorps. All I remember was clearing brush and making trails and teaching school children about the water cycle. (maybe the mentor/city programs are where the army ones are located. . . )

changed me mind about me post

I am super confused about the need for this. Has there been some trend of "normal" bars being filled with men talking about masturbation? Because unless I'm going to the "wrong" pubs and all, I think you ladies are feeling left out of something that doesn't actually exist/occur.

New York bagels are the best. I didn't even know this was up for debate

Foremost, it is not like people aren't going to find it anyways. And you can't report on issues if you ignore them, and proper journalism on the internet requires links to primary sources.

Well we know from past precedent that building stadiums and other large sports infrastructure (the the events held in them) always economically revitalize the cities/neighborhoods they are built in . . . at least this one seems to be privately funded (not counting any tax breaks/land deals/etc that cynical me

But he wasn't marked by the defense. Cus who wants to be the jerk that marks the guy with one leg

I meant the pic of the graph on deadspin. The one in the article is actually ok.

IDK this graph is flawed. The X axis is not labeled. So how do I know it even shows weight classes, let alone which weight class is where. I guess I'm supposed to assume it goes in order from lowest to highest, but one never assumes when it comes to math or data.

This is what the NFL now says with respect to players/coaches 'berating' officials:

How about this gem coming from the NFL with regards to players/coaches 'berating' officials and the like:

I never understood why one is expected to close one eyes . . . its almost like you are expected to imagine something other than what is happening?

I like how you "explain" to the "explainers" why they shouldn't be "explaining."