
its hard to defend when someone swings there arm into and takes you out look close at the first “elusive” his arm parts be flailing

Moreover, you should see the sexual gestures and jokes and such made in front of me/towards me when I'm at work, by girls in their teens and tweens and maybe younger (it is hard to tell, but I would say the general threshold is 10/11/12.) I work a food service counter at a movie showing establishment. We serve

i'm pretty sure the average 13-14 year old has had more sex (especially if you include oral) in the past year than I have had in my 32 years . . . despite the elimination of recess, im sure there is still the equivalent of the playground where kids and teens learn all this stuff a lot sooner than most adults and

Nor do you. Yes for (a), no for (b). Legal Mean, maybe. Would I do it, I don't know. Hopefully, Foles learns field awareness from this.

Nor do you. Yes for part (a) no for part (b) Wrong people get no say, Dad.

assholes exists. and its a precarious balance between freedom of information and privacy.

Crappy silver lining here, but it does bring more needed publicity to the risks and dangers regarding new tech and which content one intends to store or take. Hopefully more people will be better educated, and not so trusting of some systems, and make wiser decisions. Or it could change our culture's social more's

rights? rights? she has no right to be able to spend millions on stupid items of vanity when there is so much struggle and inequality. I agree that it is her money and she can do with it as she pleases, but when one talks about "rights" one gets into some deep philosophical biz. But going only on the details

or she either already sold or spirited away the real ones (if they existed) and somehow made a robbery seemingly opportune? So she gets the insurance and keeps the goods. Do we need Nate Ford up in here?

now my serious reply. As a male who, in my early years, tried his darned-nest to not consciously objectify (or I was shy nerd with no idea how to interact with females, I forget which) and having no success and thereby deciding to mimic at least the world view of the more "successful: male" still no change, it

ummm no grower not a show-ers? do better researxh

not saying anything is wrong or right but shorts this summer are rather high/short, one must admit.

Well "humans" are "smarter" than "dogs," so why not teach your "human" children to not eat poop? I don't see something, and just randomly eat it? Do you?

Do you enjoy when a child gets hurt by a dog? Me neither? No one should get hurt wrongly?

Solution: Happy well adjusted dogs that can control impulse

Squirrel Girl. She has beaten the most powerful villains in the Marvel Universe, Dr. Doom, what may or may not have been Thanos (could have been a clone,) MODOK

The CGI squirrels would be neat,

* Using a credit/debit card at a convenience store for purchases less than $10.

I disagree. This happens when I am in a bind. Need something urgently, no or not enough cash on hand. What am I supposed to do? I'm not gonna buy more than I need. The fact that I'm buying at a convenience store means i am probably

and yet someone will seem to bend over, or present themselve in such a way, when some attention is given, depending on who gives it. So once again maybe one could understand why it might be confusing for men. Though this encompasses all forms of attention. Random, flagrant, and continuous catcalls and staring are

This s why we should raise kids Martian stiyle Re: Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy
with children raised in creches, communal raising centers, not with their relatives or parents, lead by trained professionals. Solves a lot of problems Parents can still work and know their kids are being socialized well. Kids

Now playing

Maybe inspired by this actual one from earlier this year?

Maybe its that they think softball is a stupid sport? Or lesser? If we are ranking sports.

Peopke watch futbol from other countries in America. People don't watch football from other countries in America.