
Oh man, that was happening to me two days ago. Sometimes I can't tell if it's hormones because I also get mild depression, but either way I just felt SAD. And it's the worst kind of sad because since I have no cause for the sad, I start to feel I'll be sad forever!! Usually, luckily, this is not the

Oh man, I totally forgot it was Saturday! That's what happens when you spend weeks doing little else but unpacking and trying to build lesson plans for classes you didn't know you were teaching until now.

This is exactly what I was coming here to say!

Agreed!!! Hairspray provides some serious feel-good tune-age.

My dad was once a theatre hopeful and as a result I was raised on a steady diet of R&H and other more "classic" musical soundtracks. I can still sing along word-for-word to a vast number of OCR's, and struggle to feel that the revivals can ever compare to the original. However, I actually really love some of the newer

I was really up in the air about Mirena vs. Paraguard—even up to the point of insertion. I had spent months reading up on both and there were myriad positive reviews and just as many horror stories for each. I hoped that when I went in to meet with the doctor and gave them info on my history with bc (I never actually

I just got an IUD, although I ended up going with Paraguard, and I actually "check" mine a lot. You can feel the strings and so after sex I often feel to make sure they are still there. My insertion wasn't awful and my cramps thus far have been normal. I say go for it!

Good! Nothing completely debilitates me from being a normal functioning human like money stresses I can't immediately address. I don't know when your semester starts, but you will make a call Monday, and have over six weeks to figure shit out. That is plenty. For now, wines!!

When it comes to loans, the only time I've ever had a problem potentially getting them is when I went over the unit "cap." However, even then I was able to log an appeal. I generally tend to assume that they *want* you to get loans, so don't stress too much. I've definitely had a few scares, as have my fellow

Are you just listing these references on your resume? Or are you in need or letters of reference? If it's the former, I don't think it's a big deal because it will probably be a few days, or even a few weeks, before the company calls them. Especially if you explain the situation to your references, they will

I love both of these approaches. I want to work on being better with confronting guys like this. However, I also felt weird about making a scene in the loby of a hotel I may be staying at for another week or two. Of course then I kind of kicked myself for being nervous about that because isn't that how guys like

WTF? That is so inappropriate. Not to defend the dude from today, but at least with comments like I got, I feel like it can be more of a misguided attempt at being "nice" and "complimentary" but actual touching—I have close friends that I am cautious about touching, because I know they are not fans of it. How anyone

His grandson? Ew, ew, ew!! I definitely have spent the rest of the day thinking about what I wish I would have said. I actually decided that I think I (or someone) should come up with a card you can hand to guys at that point that gives a detailed explanation of why that sort of "compliment" is not welcome.

I frequently refer to that Peter Pan as "the weirdly sexualized Peter Pan that made me feel like a pedofile" because I was much older than 11 when that came out. Also, I was just re-watching some FNL episodes that he was in and I must say that I rarely crush on the youngins, but man... even as a jerkface jock he is

Happy Saturday Jezzies! Since I do not have authorship privileges for GT I will just post my contribution to the continuing saga of the Street Harassment Chronicles here:

My BF (and soon to be husband) who I met on OKC still has a profile, while I deactivated mine a month or two into dating him. He does have himself listed as "in a relationship" and I don't tend to worry about him in regards to other ladies, but sometimes when he gets those stupid "quiver" emails I definitely find

Furthermore, the author of the referenced article obviously has no clue about what girls "enjoy" because I totally have watched and enjoyed "that National Geographic show where the guy sticks his hand in a catfish’s mouth."

Being the curious and masochistic person I am, I clicked on the link. To my surprise and amusement, I was met with a pic of Tyrion making the exact same quizzical/annoyed look that has adorned my face since the moment I read the title of this article. It's like the Dink reached through space/time/the internets to

Thanks to all who responded, everyone's suggestions were very helpful. We told our families yesterday and, although it took some explaining, I think we were able to accurately define the division between "getting married" and "having a wedding" that we want this process to follow. I think we are both looking forward

So I suddenly find myself in a sort of odd (but exciting!) situation. The boyfriend and I have decided to get married next month. We came to this conclusion as part of preparations for an upcoming move. Basically, although we would have done it eventually, it makes sense to do it now because he is in the Coast Guard