Bag of Hammers

I think the few usual social media suspects said the usual useful idiot things to attract the media megaphone and signal boost them into the teeming orc horde the media narrative needed them to be and Sony PR masterfully took advantage of the situation for free publicity. Just here alone, how many finger wagging,

It can be (and probably is) two things.

I guessing we'll get one third actual review, two thirds finger waving on how we're all terrible people for making Melinda McCarthy cry and Paul Feig call us names.

I believe the narrative is that Capitalism is part of the Patriarchy.


I just now noticed that Kate McKinnons character in the new 'Busters is totally riffing off the cartoon Spengler's look.

Bad, but not as bad as before. *sigh*

Is it wrong that I picture you wearing a monocle while making this statement?

oh you….

I know, it's like watching two British guys argue. "Good day to you Sir!"

Thank you, a little more 'lets make a good movie' a little less 'let's score points on social media'.

Ah yes, the old "If you're not guilty of anything why fight back?" argument. It's very funny (translation: not funny, but sad) to use that exact argument against them in gun control debates.

It basically comes down to Joker "Some men just want to watch the world Burn" troll types that just hurl shit for lulz and insufferable "Stand back citizen, somebody on the internet is wrong!" self appointed moral superman types who will post 50-100 posts in a single thread to 'set the record straight'.

Ugh, is there any way to block a users comments on a friends feed as well?

"Can we hold both thoughts in our head at once?"

Oh I think Ann Coulter deserves much worse than harassment. That said, if you work for the evil prick empire, you really shouldn't be surprised when the boss is an evil prick. I would refer you to the Death Star Contractor bit from clerks:

Completely agree there. All I had was the bikini girls in Low Rider magazine when I was kid, I think if I was just a keyboard stroke away from full on "" I might have ended up a little different.

Gender switching established characters is just a lazy trope. And it's
an easy, absolute least they can do, way out for Marvel to avoid social
medias sexism/racism labels.

Mostly referring to "Hustler' there, the skeevy, found at every bustop, bottom of the porn pyramid.