
He’s Canadian and got stuck in the snow. Isn’t that considered a felony? Do they strip you of your Tim Horton’s rewards card, or least send you to a jail that doesn’t serve poutine? How is this handled?

The title is incorrect. That man is clearly bigger than that dog.

My stock reply to that is, “You called me.”

and then

Completely opposite. I thought Leia was goddam perfect. Tarkin wasn’t quite as convincing for me, but my wife didn’t even know he was CGI until I mentioned something late in the film. So both were pretty great.

Having him in Rogue One is amazing and makes so much sense.

And all that means nothing when a few seats away you get a brat with a noisy toy and parents that don’t give a shit.


As a person who owned an 86 and a 94 full size Bronco...nah.