
They’re heros because they are the only two humans in existence that actually agree with you? What a joke dude. There’s literally nothing about you that’s right, you’re the last person that should be writing articles on the interwebs.

I remember as a kid I always wanted to see them run the road course at any of the tracks that have them. I always thought it’d be cool if there was like a Nascar road racing series that used these infield layouts as well as having races at actual road courses. Seems kinda far fetched but as a kid it’s what I always

Aww, he thinks feet and inches are base ten. How funny. He might like the metric system...

This is a typical example of shitty kid behavior in that town. There are plenty of people that raise their kids awful in this area and it’s only gotten worse over time because everyone makes excuses for these kids shitty behavior.

Does no one remember the crash that caused them to change the rule in the first place? You know the crash where one of those Dillon kids tried to die. That’s why they changed it in the first place. I’m sure someone can find the video.

As a 2016 Jetta owner I’m slightly concerned about the fire part of this story... I guess I’ll just have to avoid full throttle while sitting still now.

50mph is pretty fast for a plow, faster than I’ve ever seen a plow going with the plow down. Usually they are traveling in the 30mph range and I’ve seen them as slow as 20mph on the highway.

That is a huge annoyance to me at pretty much every public place now, parents seem to be doing less parenting these days and all the kids are out of control shit heads.

I’m pretty sure I heard that they are not allowed to do a news section, on this very website I think. I loved the news section, it was always enormously entertaining, will be missed.

I realized in this latest episode that all my hate for this new iteration of Top Gear was all because of Chris Evans. Everything involving the ginger was terrible and everything without him was enjoyable. Really loved that segment with Matt and Ken Block and both the segments with the extra gear guys.