
"...can't drive a Manuel..."

John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness and people went out to listen to him. This guy cried out in the middle of the town square and everyone left. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a clear hint from God.

And here is the necessary GIF.

Jeff Francouer has also been the victim of a career long prank where he believes every pitch is a strike

Francoeur once bought me and my friends about five beers apiece during an O's, Oakland game. He is forgiven for anything.

Situational awareness, FTW. I never EVER roll through any intersection without keeping an eye on cross traffic.

I and about fifty other people enjoyed an Expos game in the Stade many years back. Vlad could still hit back then, and the poutine was extraordinaire.

Montreal wants a baseball team. The Rays want a dedicated fanbase. "Le Montreal Rays", anyone?

This is brilliant, no sinkhole will be able to swallow those 'Vettes!